Site FAQ
Listed below are several frequently asked questions we recieve here at CreedFeed. If you have a question that is not answered here, feel free to send if to us.
Is this an official web site?
No, CreedFeed is not an official web site for Creed. This site is
currently run by Steve Caponetto and is in no way affiliated with Creed or
Wind-up Records.
How can I submit news, reviews, or other information to you?
Any and all information that you would like us to know about can be done through our
nifty contact form. Simply head to that page, select the
appropriate topic for your submission and let us have it. Any news you wish to submit
must come from an "official" source which you must include in your message. Rumors
with no backing will not be posted. All information posted on the site is at our
discretion. You will receive credit for any news you submit which gets posted.
Some information on the site is wrong. How do I let you know about the error?
Again, you can use our nifty contact form to let us know
about any errors we may have made on the site.
How can I contact directly?
For information on contact directly, please visit the
Band section. Please DO NOT send messages directed to the band
to us. We are not Creed!
What browser should I be using to view this site?
This site was designed using XHTML and CSS web standards as defined by the
W3C. Any browser which can interpret these
standards should display the web site properly. Unfortunately this does not include
older versions of Netscape, below version 6.0. We recommend using IE 6+ or
What is this site developed in?
The "frontend" of the web site was developed in
The "backend" of the web site was developed in PHP
with a MySQL database.
What tools and/or software did you use to create this site?
All XHTML, CSS, and PHP code was developed in Macromedia HomeSite, which is now a part of the
Macromedia Dreamweaver package. Graphics were developed and manipulated using Adobe Photoshop CS.
Everything, aside from a few widgets, was developed by Steve Caponetto.
Where is CreedFeed hosted?
This site is currently being hosted on a dedicated server from
Servermatrix. Servermatrix offers
great prices on dedicated servers.
What is with the ads on the site and message board?
Our network has Google Ads placed on several pages of our site. The purpose
of these ads is to offset the cost of running this web site. Because of the
amount of traffic our sites receive, along with the many photos and
multimedia we make available for download, we require lots of web space and
bandwidth. This, of course, costs money.
I have a question that is not answered here.
The easiest way to get answers to your questions is to (a) submit them through our
contact form, or (b) post them on our
message board.