About CreedFeed
Back in 1999 when Creed was ready to release their second album, Human Clay, I decided to create a web site about the band. I found that there was no good detailed oriented site about the band which logged important information like a tour archive, discography, and song bank. So off I began.
The site was initially called Human Clay, www.humanclay.net. Around a year later, Creed announced the release of their third album, Weathered. I decided to take the time to redesign and rename the web site. After throwing around several different names, I went to Phil from VideoPimp.com for help. He suggested the name Creed Feed, playing on the idea that my site was a news feed for Creed information. I liked it, and so became CreedFeed!
Also around this time the official Creed message board was being taken over by trolls; it eventually was shut down. I thought it would be a good idea to create my own forums for Creed fans to interact with one another, and thus the CreedFeed Community was born. The Community has been up since late 1999 and has gone through several changes.
Alter Bridge Rocks was created after Mark Tremonti announced his decision to form a new band after Creed had officially broken up. After many ideas and long nights of coding the site, CreedFeed and Alter Bridge Rocks have been redesigned yet again and are ready to take the Internet by storm!!
-- Steve Caponetto
The People Behind CreedFeed
Steve Caponetto (Steve)
Steve is the brains behind The Feed Network. He develops and maintains the entire
network of sites. All previous and current layouts, as well as all code which
runs the site was created by Steve.