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Old 02-19-2004, 06:29 PM   #1
Torn Signs
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Dimmu Borgir

I got this CD and it's from this Norwegian band called Dimmu Borgir. Definately a Satanic cd, even has the symbols in them. It's just that the style of music is interesting. It's sorta like orchestra mixed with heavy metal and a very "death-like" sound, lol. Professionaly called black metal which I guess is hard Satanic metal? Just wondering if anyone hearda them or was curious on more information. I think they're very wierd and of course I don't like Satantic things lol. Peace,
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Old 02-19-2004, 07:03 PM   #2
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Heard of 'm? Yes! But like 'm? NO WAY!

they float like the memories I've opened,
and kiss all the butterflies I've broken,
their wings to the coat of my misfortune,
to reach the plains only I have spoken...

The Path ~by~ ManMade God
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Old 02-19-2004, 07:15 PM   #3
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I've always had a hard time just pointing out what is Speed-metal, trash-metal, nu-metal, power-metal, death-metal, black-metal, hardcore etc.

I found this on a Dutch Metal-board... ok it's a long read I admitt. I found it interesting:

Classic Heavy Metal - Classic heavy metal is the most difficult genre to define, primarily because there are 2 different definitons. The first definition is a not a reference to a particular sound; rather it is a tribute to the founding fathers of heavy metal. This is a confusing use of the term, because the founding fathers did not play the same styles of metal. (ie: Black Sabbath was a doom metal band, Judas Priest was riding the NWOBHM). The more modern and commonly used definition of classic heavy metal is a reference to the sound created by metal bands when metal was at its peak of commercial success in the early to mid 80's. Typically, this sound was fronted by high mid-range to super high vocals. The choruses were memorable and often anthemic. The guitars were center stage, full of hooks and wheedling all over the place, and sounding a notch heavier than 70's hard rock. Drums and bass were also slowly speeding up. Though fairly tame by today's metal standards, this was the hardest stuff at the time, and the inspiration for many of today's bands. This genre of metal produced the highest number of bands, so that it's sound is now so generic to sometimes be simply labeled "Heavy Metal" (no prefix), and considered the main branch of music from which most other genres split. This genre is also experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Lyrical content was often about guitars, heavy metal, violence, or Satan (though most were fairly clean).

Classic Heavy Metal Bands: Manowar, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, King Diamond

Doom Metal - Slow, low and heavy music that occasionally speeds up and takes higher tones. The guitar tends to plod between monster riffs. Keyboards are often used to creepy effect, and a flute is thrown in now and again. The vocals range from very low to medium-high vocals. Lyrical content often focuses on "spiritual" things.

Doom Metal Bands: Black Sabbath, Candlemass, Type O Negative

New Wave of British Heavy Metal (NWOBHM) - Much of this genre bleeds over into classic heavy metal. This style is so named because of the hordes of British metal acts appearing in the late 70's and early 80's. They shared a sound and country of origin, so voila!...NWOBHM. The sound is often described as a mixture of the old metal of the early 70's and the burgeoning punk sound of the late 70's. Most of the these bands died off just as quickly as they had appeared, but not before leaving a lasting impression on future metal superstars (most notably Metallica). The few bands of this genre that survived went on to hone their sound into Classic Heavy Metal. (see above)

NWOBHM bands: Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Diamondhead

Progressive Metal - A lot of groups that defy description are lumped into this category. Most sound nothing like each other, but share a penchant for writing challenging music (i.e.: music without catchy choruses). The music is highly technical with a lot of strange timing and expirimental sounds. It also tends to be epic in nature (many changes throughout the song, leaving the listener wondering if it's the same song).I guess you could call it the thinking man's metal, because it takes a good amount of cerebral activity to decipher all the unexpected turns and time changes. The sound can be very mellow or very harsh, but the "jazz of heavy metal" is always unique.

Progressive Metal Bands: Voivod, Rush, Dream Theater, Saviour Machine

Thrash Metal - Heavy Metal tends to get progressively harder and outdo the advances of the previous genre. Thrash added distortion to the guitar, sped things up and took a less structured approach to songwriting. Drumming sped up and vocals tend to be mid-range and slightly gravelly. Lyrical content was very often about the political woes of the world. Thrash guitar has had an incredible impact on the world of music, and has influenced everything from crappy alternative music to most modern heavy metal bands. In fact, it may just be the most influential sound that metal has produced to date.

Thrash Metal Bands: Metallica, Testament, Xentrix, Exodus

Speed Metal - As the name denotes, Speed Metal is incredibly fast, both with guitars, drumming, and bass. The vocals are usually on the high side, and the guitar is usually just a sped up and not too thrashy Classic Metal guitar. Song writing is very technical and structured, but unlike Progressive Metal, it has choruses and catchy hooks. Because of the skill level required to produce this style of metal, some of metal's best musicians have emerged from Speed Metal bands (i.e.: Marty Friedman, Jason Becker, Jeff Waters, Tim Calvert, Gary Lenaire) Lyrical content varies and doesn't appear to be genre typical. This genre emerged at the tail end of the eighties, and quickly went away in the early nineties. Though short lived, this genre produced some of my favorite songs and groups, and continues to appear in diluted form in many bands.

Speed Metal Bands: Annihilator, Tourniquet, Cacophony, Forbidden

Glam Metal (Butt Rock) - I had a serious struggle deciding whether or not to even list this genre, as its "metalness" is very much in question. The debate rises from many rock bands being misnamed as "metal" from the time they began. There was an image that went along with the genre, and if a band dressed the part, then they were included in the genre, regardless of the music. Many rock bands cashed in on the big-hair, chick make-up image, without coming close to playing metal (Poison being the most well known offender). Granted, the true glam metal band's watered down version of metal wasn't anything to be terribly proud of, and their image still sends shudders through most metalheads. Lyrical content was at it's shallowest, mostly concerned about girls and cars. In my opinion, this was probably heavy metal's lowest point, because it attained public recognition and left the unknowing masses thinking that this was what metal was all about. The name really says it all, as it is the only genre that references the image rather than the sound, lyrical content, or point of origin.

Glam Metal Bands: Stryper, Whitesnake, Dokken

...and it goes on --->>>

they float like the memories I've opened,
and kiss all the butterflies I've broken,
their wings to the coat of my misfortune,
to reach the plains only I have spoken...

The Path ~by~ ManMade God
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Old 02-19-2004, 07:16 PM   #4
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Death Metal - Death was the next step past thrash in levels of "hardness". It is most characterized by its very low, growly "cookie monster" vocals. The music ranges from very fast to very slow, but was almost always chaotic, often disregarding melody, choruses and other "catchy" elements of other genres. Regardless of guitar speed, the drumming is usually fast. Many bands of the era seemed to be in a contest to come up with the most revolting lyrics and album covers, concentrating on the imagery of people in various states of butchery. In fact, the name "Death Metal" is a reference to the vocals (of a dead man), and the primarily morbid lyrical content. This genre completely overwhelmed the metal scene from the early to mid nineties, but the oversaturation of death metal bands lead to its early demise (no pun intended). Though the music of this genre died off, versions of the death vocals live on in many modern metal bands. It should also be noted that there are still quite a few (good) pure death metal bands plying their trade, though the genres day in the sun is long gone.

Death Metal Bands: Death, Obituary, Morbid Angel

Industrial Metal - Industrial mixes sounds of industry, samples, and other computer-generated sounds or sound bytes with metal. It's pretty self-explanatory, as the music is just a mix of Heavy Metal and Industrial music, with the emphasis on metal. There is no definable genre typical lyrical content, except for maybe a "fear of machines" theme. Heheh. There are so few bands in this genre, that it's difficult to give a set time of origin or era of popularity.

Industrial Metal Bands: Brainchild, Fear Factory

Hardcore -

Hardcore Metal Bands: When two metal genres are mixed, what is created can become known as a "sub-genre". However, when metal mixes with non-metal music, it tends to create a whole new genre. Hardcore is such a mixture ... made up of 1 part metal and 2 parts punk. The vocals are either punk or death, the lyrical content usually deals with some topic of social unrest, and the music has the intensity of punk with the discipline of metal (i.e.: guitarists can play more than 3 chords). The scene is primarily underground, and appears to neither garner nor lose popularity with time.

Hardcore Bands: Sick of It All

Black Metal - Black Metal was yet another step taken in hardness, making the genre very appealing to those who search for such things, and very unappealing to a non-metal listener. Black metal is characterized by a total cacophonic wall of noise with the music often blending indiscernably into just loud, pounding noise. This is broken up with melody appearing behind this wall, or sometimes the noise just stops and reveals a simple melody. Keyboards are used to a great extent with some of the more "popular" black metal bands, and the vocals are generally a high-screeching death metal voice. (Sorry, that's the best rough description I can come up with) The imagery and lyrical content of the music is very dark, often delving into demonic and satanic issues. "Corpse paint" is often part of the image - which is basically white face paint with black designs. Though the genre appeared quite a while ago in the form of Mayhem, it's popularity peak was from the mid nineties to the turn of the millenia.

Black Metal Bands: Mayhem, Emperor, Satyricon

Gothenberg Metal - The name refers to Gothenburg Sweden, the hometown of the originators of this genre. The most common phrase for describing this genre is "melodic death metal". Vocals are usually death-like, but can drop into more dulcet "clean" tones. The music has the hardness of death metal, but the melody and rhythm of classic metal. This normally would classify it as a hybrid, but it's popularity and influence have garnered it the distinction of having its own category. This genre appeared in the mid-nineties amidst the fertile Swedish metal scene, and has continually grown in popularity. It is probably one of the most popular genres today, with In Flames sitting at the top of the pile.

Gothenberg Metal Bands: In Flames, Dark Tranquility, Ebony Tears, At the Gates

Power Metal - Very catchy music with rousing sing-a-long choruses. The lyrics are almost always about fantasy subjects, i.e: dragons, elves, etc. Keyboards are used a lot, the guitar isn't thrashy, and vocals are in the higher range. This is really the 90's resurrection of classic metal, with some influence from speed metal. Currently, this is a very popular genre (gaining popularity in the mid-nineties), but the scene is starting to get choked with too many bands.

Power Metal Bands: Blind Guardian, Nocturnal Rites, Stratovarius, Hammerfall

Gothic Metal - Gothic metal almost seems like a cross between Doom and Atmospheric, with extra instruments and a tendency to use bass-low vocals (or a death metal voice) interspersed with female soprano vocals to compliment the sound. It tends to be slow and have lots of extra atmosphere, sounds, and synths. In my experience, lyrics have been exceptionally poetic. There are not many gothic metal bands out there, as it is easy for the inexperienced group to drown in banality. However, there are a few bands out there that really stand out; namely Beseech. Theatre of Tragedy started off great, but has since been pooping out rave music. Side note: This genre is not to be confused with the very non-metal Goth scene and all its freaky wanna-be vampires.

Gothic Metal Bands: Theatre of Tragedy, Beseech

Rap Metal - Rap Metal, aka Rapcore, aka total crap, is metal with the lyrics rapped. Like glam, there are a number of bands that have cashed in on the image of rap metal without actually being a metal band. Limp Bizkit is a good example. There are some legitmate rap bands, but as I hate rap, I tend not to keep up. If I wanted to hear someone talk, I would turn on a frickin' radio talk show.

Rap Metal Bands: Korn

Atmospheric Metal - This genre almost defies being placed under the category of "metal" because of its calm nature, though guitars still tend to be distorted. Usually made by metal bands that have already proven themselves in another metal genre, this style is soothing, slow, and awash with sounds to make one comfortable. Except for Tiamat, most bands can't be described as "Atmospheric", except for a song here and there. Bands that have churned an "Atmospheric" tune or two are Opeth, Cathedral, and Theatre of Tragedy.

Atmospheric Metal Bands: Tiamat

Operatic Metal - The music is power metal, the lyrics are power metal, the catchiness is power metal, but the vocals are operatic in sound and training.

Operatic Metal Bands: Nightwish

Folk Metal - The name "Folk Metal" means that the group is playing metal influenced by the indigenous music of their culture or country. Not many bands are brave enough to allow local music history to have an influence on their songs, so these groups are pretty few and far between. (i.e. The Brittanic Skyclad mixing Irish folk music with metal.

Folk Metal Bands: Skyclad, Thyrfing

they float like the memories I've opened,
and kiss all the butterflies I've broken,
their wings to the coat of my misfortune,
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The Path ~by~ ManMade God
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Old 02-19-2004, 08:23 PM   #5
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I have heard of them and I do like them. They are good. If you like them you should check out Dark Tranquility, Soilwork, In Flames, and Children of Bodom. They aren't Satanic. They are good in my opinion!
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Old 05-22-2004, 11:33 AM   #6
Mr. Prophet Man
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i like them... metal with an "orchestra"... badass
Quote: (Originally Posted by XALTERBRIDGEX) Mr. Prophet Man are you a dude with a girl in your avatar or a chick named "Mr. Prophet Man? I'm curious...
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Old 05-22-2004, 05:08 PM   #7
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Quote: (Originally Posted by hotforscott) I have heard of them and I do like them. They are good. If you like them you should check out Dark Tranquility, Soilwork, In Flames, and Children of Bodom. They aren't Satanic. They are good in my opinion!
Somebody else I know was talking up Soilwork..I'll have to check them out. Thanks, Carrie!
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Old 05-23-2004, 12:03 AM   #8
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To weathered Woman

That Was A Longgggggggggggggg Post, But I Liked it And Yes I know who Torns talking About I Got A friend Thats Love Theme, I love It It Inspires Me, Well, Hey Stef You sure ya didnt leave Nothing Out, HAHAHA
Hush child I,ll tell you why you have Loved Me when you were weak you have given me unselfishly Kept you From Falling Falling everywhere But Your Kness you set me free to live my life you become my Reason To Survive The Great Divide you Set Me Free Ooh Our Love Is Beautiful Ooh isn,t This Beautiful Child It Seems You Have Been My Everything
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Old 05-23-2004, 12:05 AM   #9
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Quote: (Originally Posted by Mr. Prophet Man) i like them... metal with an "orchestra"... badass
Hush child I,ll tell you why you have Loved Me when you were weak you have given me unselfishly Kept you From Falling Falling everywhere But Your Kness you set me free to live my life you become my Reason To Survive The Great Divide you Set Me Free Ooh Our Love Is Beautiful Ooh isn,t This Beautiful Child It Seems You Have Been My Everything
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Old 05-23-2004, 11:30 AM   #10
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To my beloved sistah!

Quote: (Originally Posted by creedsister) That Was A Longgggggggggggggg Post, But I Liked it And Yes I know who Torns talking About I Got A friend Thats Love Theme, I love It It Inspires Me, Well, Hey Stef You sure ya didnt leave Nothing Out, HAHAHA

LOL!! Thnx... in fact I just saw that my friends Steve and Craig were mentioned in the TrashMetal-thing: TESTAMENT!!! And also in the SpeedMetal-thing: FORBIDDEN!!!! Yayyyyy!!

Actually they've just finished the last 3 songs from their new demo... (new band!)
As soon as I get more info I will put them up in the Music Matters Forum!!

they float like the memories I've opened,
and kiss all the butterflies I've broken,
their wings to the coat of my misfortune,
to reach the plains only I have spoken...

The Path ~by~ ManMade God

Last edited by WeatheredWoman : 05-23-2004 at 11:33 AM.
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Old 05-23-2004, 01:43 PM   #11
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Quote: (Originally Posted by WeatheredWoman) LOL!! Thnx... in fact I just saw that my friends Steve and Craig were mentioned in the TrashMetal-thing: TESTAMENT!!! And also in the SpeedMetal-thing: FORBIDDEN!!!! Yayyyyy!!

Actually they've just finished the last 3 songs from their new demo... (new band!)
As soon as I get more info I will put them up in the Music Matters Forum!!
Thats Cool Just Bring On The Info, Dont forget !!!!!
Hush child I,ll tell you why you have Loved Me when you were weak you have given me unselfishly Kept you From Falling Falling everywhere But Your Kness you set me free to live my life you become my Reason To Survive The Great Divide you Set Me Free Ooh Our Love Is Beautiful Ooh isn,t This Beautiful Child It Seems You Have Been My Everything
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Old 05-23-2004, 04:02 PM   #12
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I'm not for that Satanic stuff, but I do like Dark Tranquility. I've heard of Soilwok and I was about to get their cd yesterday, but I decided to get Flaw's instead. I've heard of In Flames, but never really heard their music. Same goes for Children of Bodom.
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Old 05-24-2004, 01:23 PM   #13
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never heard of 'em, and satanic music certainly doesn't tickly my cookies... as for the list, i can say i only like the first few categories: classic heavy, new wave of british heavy, doom, progressive, and some thrash, progressive probably being my favorite

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Old 05-27-2004, 04:36 AM   #14
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Yeh I have heard em...interesting. Hey while we are on the subject of this kinda music, what does everyone think of Lacuna Coil? Man, when I heard Evanescence for the first time, they reminded me of Lacuna Coil a bit.

BTW WW, I was a HUGE Testament fan...I even think I still have a huge poster of The Legacy album lying around somewhere. Man that album is cool! Though lyric-wise, listening to it these days is a little hard for me...hehe
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Old 05-27-2004, 08:49 PM   #15
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I saw their cd in the store today and it made me think of this thread. All I can say is that it wasn't flying off the shelves.
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without being given the power to make it come true


Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile,
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