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Old 08-31-2009, 10:19 AM   #16
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Re: CREEDFEED CONTEST #1 - Tell Us Your Favorite Creed Song and Why!

My favourite Creed song is "My Sacrifise"
Because this is the reason that i'm into rock music and the reason that i met the girl of my life,my soulmate.I feel the shame feelings and the same emocitional energy everytime i hear that song because that makes me feel so blessed and Proud of what i become untill now.
Creed is the band that make me reunited with my self and their music was,is and will be by my side in any bad and good times.
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Old 08-31-2009, 10:44 AM   #17
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Re: CREEDFEED CONTEST #1 - Tell Us Your Favorite Creed Song and Why!

My favourite creed song would have to be With Arms Wide Open because it really does seem to mean something to everyone even if you are not a dad yourself. The guitar work in the song is brilliant and the lyrics are powerful with a very strong passion. There were alot of other songs I also love but i dont think any other can come close to what mean the most to me. My second choice would have been inside us all as that aswell has a powerful message.
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Old 08-31-2009, 07:24 PM   #18
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Re: CREEDFEED CONTEST #1 - Tell Us Your Favorite Creed Song and Why!


Last edited by ABYanks : 08-01-2024 at 08:43 AM.
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Old 08-31-2009, 07:35 PM   #19
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Re: CREEDFEED CONTEST #1 - Tell Us Your Favorite Creed Song and Why!

What's this life for...started my love for the band and it struck such a chord with me...the lyrics were so powerful...made me reflect on my own life and my own suicidal thoughts and also to think of who the song was written for and for his family...just a great song musically and a great introduction to the group
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Old 08-31-2009, 09:01 PM   #20
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Re: CREEDFEED CONTEST #1 - Tell Us Your Favorite Creed Song and Why!

Faceless Man is my favorite Creed song. Simply put, I grew up in a religious house. The song hits so close to home for me and the chorus is incredibly powerful!

I find it hard to imagine Creed coming up with a more powerful song than Faceless Man!
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Old 09-01-2009, 01:02 AM   #21
King Oropher
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Re: CREEDFEED CONTEST #1 - Tell Us Your Favorite Creed Song and Why!

Tough choice but mine would have to be 'Is This The End'
I was and still am a big fan of Brian Marshall, so it was sad to see him leave Creed back in 2000. For some reason this song always reminded me of him and all the great work he did in Creed. His bass work in the song is his best. The title of the song makes me think that maybe Scott wrote it for Brian.
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Old 09-01-2009, 06:23 PM   #22
George Brasil
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Re: CREEDFEED CONTEST #1 - Tell Us Your Favorite Creed Song and Why!

First of all, thanks for doing this Steve. And it is SO COOL to have a fun and activity on the Creed forum, I wish you guys had time to have this site back on the road.

I think this question is not the best to me, I can't answer that. Maybe I can list a few and describe what does those songs means to me and to my life. I have not enough words to describe what CREED means to me, and the impact of this word in my life.

I remember 10 years ago, when I was 10 years old tracking on the web a radio station and I listen a song that I completely fell in love for and it was something like " ", and yes I was scared because I haven't ever felt that way, and I didn't know its name and I could not understand the name of the band because I couldn't understand what the DJ spoke. BUT I saw a light at the end because it was written on the site: Higher - Creed and then I entered on the Creed site and I was like: "This is what I want to listen and it gives me goosebumps." It was real. I was only a litle boy, I had the age that Jagger actually have and the band of his father and friends became one of the most important things of my life. I had no access to internet since then, AND all I had was burned CD with a couple of songs recorded, then 2001 comes. Man, I can't tell how I felt when I heard "My Sacrifice" for the first time, I am serious, I have no words to describe that. It gave me goosebumps since the first chord, but the best was yet to come that year to me. After all I saw "Weathered" to sell in one of our shoppings and I bought it, to be honest, it was one of the best moments of my life when I heard Bullets for the first time. The first thing I thought when I heard Scott screaming - And I had no idea what he was saying - was "What the F***. That's the best song of music's story." And I really thought it was, it's still one of my favorites. That time I thought Creed was a perfect band but I don't need to explain that. When Creed broke up I had a bad time, but at least I could still Scott's voice in Relearn Love and learned to love another band called Alter Bridge, but I have to say that any other band made me feel the way I felt when I heard Creed for the first time. I remember in 2004 after the official broke-up I was listening to Creed live everyday in my Cd Player with headphones before sleeping from 1 AM to 4 PM, it meant a lot to me, specially listening to the bootleg of San Antonio's show in 99, and Torn...oh my God, what a song to play live. Can you imagine how pride I was when I heard their name? Now here we are, after 7 long years of bad words and everything negative, we are in a state of peace and waiting for a new album. Isn't this world crazy? Well, it's Creed and I am glad they are back because they are a huge part of my life nad they mean a lot to me. That's what I feel to Creed, pride and in love for all the band makes.

I haven't favorite Creed songs and I can't describe all I think/feel/felt/am for Creed, and I didn't want to have the longest post here but I couldn't write less.

That's 1% of my story. Did I mention that I live in Brazil? LOL That makes difference since that I didn't understand anything they sang at first but it touched me the same way it touched you in US or other place. Creed is Creed, the best rock band of the world.
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Old 09-02-2009, 12:58 AM   #23
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Re: CREEDFEED CONTEST #1 - Tell Us Your Favorite Creed Song and Why!

Although it is hard to pick just one my favorite Creed song would have to be Whats This Life For. That song is just so powerful and has such meaning and it is an AWESOME song live.
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Old 09-02-2009, 01:45 PM   #24
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Re: CREEDFEED CONTEST #1 - Tell Us Your Favorite Creed Song and Why!

As a long-time Creed fan it's hard to choose just one, but I will say my favorite Creed song right now is Higher because of a recent event surrounding the song.

Creed has been my favorite band since I was about 14 - I'm now about to turn 25. Last week at the Creed concert in Detroit, my fiance made it a very special day and proposed to me during Higher, the last song of the night. This is a memory I'll never forget, and therefore makes Higher my favorite Creed song.
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Old 09-04-2009, 09:30 AM   #25
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Re: CREEDFEED CONTEST #1 - Tell Us Your Favorite Creed Song and Why!

Faceless Man has to be my favorite song by Creed. I remember first listening to the Human Clay album when I was 14... the whole album was(and still is) thoroughly enjoying. But, when the cd player reached song number 6 I was completely captivated. It was the first song on the album I hit the "back" button on and I did so several times before I continued listened to the rest of the album. The lyrics in the song really hit close to home with me considering that I grew up in a fairly religious family. It gave me comfort to know that someone other than me felt the way that Scott seemed to when singing that song... those lyrics described my feelings perfectly at the time, and helped to cement my current beliefs today. I clearly know Creed isn't a Christian band nor have I ever claimed they were... but this song just speaks to me every time I listen to it. The chorus and the bridge are just soooo powerful and moving I have to sing along every time I hear it. I was glad to see the band making this song a permanent part of the set thus far on the Full Circle tour.
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Old 02-02-2025, 03:21 PM   #26
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