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Old 01-13-2004, 03:49 AM   #1
Said Eyes
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Evanescence and Finger Eleven: A concert review

Last sunday I caught Evanescence at the Hordern Pavillion in Sydney. The Hordern is a medium sized venue, maybe 5 thousand people packed in like sardines can enjoy a rockin' show there quite often (more if they open the side seats). Sunday was the first concert there, and I've been to many, where the sides were open. So maybe there was 6 thousand people there to watch a young Arkansas band by the name of Evanescence, you might have heard of them, they have some catchy tunes.

First up was Full Scale. I didn't watch them because frankly, they are godawful. I've witnessed their attempts at 'music' at more meagre venues around Sydney and can honestly say I didn't miss anything.

Next on the card was Finger Eleven. I'm a fan of F11. Their CD "Greyest of Blue Skies" is a top cd which I still listen to. Ive not heard any of their newer stuff though. With that, I was bitterly disappointed by them. One song from GoBS, the rest appeared to be new. They have lost it, it seems. Their rhythm guitarist hardly even plays, as it seems he can't stop swining his guitar around (that or he's allergic to his guitar strap), and when he actually does play, it doesnt sound much better. The singer had a top notch voice, but no stage presence. The bass player and drummer were hardly even there. One shining light was lead guitarist, who had a couple of nice solos and was solid. Only six songs, and I was still disappointed.

Before I get to Evanescence, I'll say this right now. I've never before in my life seen so many 12 year old goth punk wannabe girls at a 'rock' concert (term used lightly due to audience). Some of them I just wanted to scream "Do you're parents know youre out dressed like that?! You must be barely out of primary (elementary) school!!" Not to mention the lesbians in the seats in front of me who wouldnt have been more than 14. Seriously, I like lesbians, but not when they're 14 and making out in front of me. (Just to keep the 'OMG HOMOPHOBE!' idiots away, any 14 year old kids making out will make me feel uncomfortable, so shut up).

Now on to the enjoyable part of the show, the lights went out and the crowd cheered! I love it when the roadies start to set up the main act's stage and the crowd thinks the band is coming out. I always find that funny. But when the crew were done finally "the 'Scence" came out with some rockin' tunes. Getting Going Under out early, along with a few others from the album. Then a new song which wasn't anything special. A couple more, including My Immortal, which seems to be their latest hit. WHO KNEW!? Not me, but I enjoyed them adding a guitar solo/backing band to the end of the song.

Then, what must have been the best part of the evening, Amy Lee introduced the next song thusly "We didn't write this next one. It's by one of my favourite artists, Soundgarden". What's this?! Did my ears deceive me? Not so, the opening riffs to 4th of July rang out around the venue. Oh man it was so cool. I was much impressed.

Also impressive was singer Lee's range. I'd been told she couldnt hit the big notes and couldn't hold a note. On Sunday she did, consistently. It may have been the relaxing schedule down under, or maybe people are just dirty lying hippies. Either way I was impressed.

They finally played their big one, that DareDevil song, and it was alright I guess. Seemed like the only song everyone was singing along too. Whatever. Then the band left the stage. Encore obviously! Only one song though, a little disappointing. I was hoping they might pull out an Alice in Chains cover next or something, but no. They finished after the one encore song. They didn't even play "Hello", my favourite song from their album.

The sound in the venue wasn't the greatest to be honest. Too much guitars, and when there was no guitars the vocals were too loud. Their sound techs should learn their jobs. For some reason the whole show was over by 10:30, a 65 minute set by Evanescence. Much too early for my liking, even on a Sunday when I've got to be at work in the morning. I guess a longer set will come with more albums. My friend video taped the show, so I 'll have it on DVD if anyone wants to drop me a PM about it, go nuts.

All in all, an enjoyable evening. No, scratch that, VERY enjoyable evening - I had honey chicken before the show, god I love that stuff.
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Old 01-14-2004, 01:29 AM   #2
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Hey, Said Eyes, glad you had such a good time!!!
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Old 01-14-2004, 01:54 AM   #3
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I'm not sure I'll ever wanna see Evanescence live... what I've seen and heard of them in video footage recorded at live performances, Amy Lee is consistently flat, and sounds bad compared to Fuel's Brett Scallions, who is also known for intonation "problems". As a former music student, I would cringe hearing consistent pitch problems. Sometimes, just hearing it from instrumentalists in church can be painful for me... so I sure won't pay money to sit through it for at least an hour.

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Old 01-14-2004, 03:18 AM   #4
Said Eyes
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Dogstar, just wait until I see the Mars Volta next thursday! Actually, save you all from another long post and write a book about it!

Maybe you didnt hear me there, BearFan, I said her voice was top notch. No problems with her voice at all it seemed.
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Old 01-14-2004, 03:23 AM   #5
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Oh, Said Eyes, have a most excellent time. They are INCREDIBLE live!!!!
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they make a club and beat their brother down.
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Old 01-15-2004, 12:41 PM   #6
Agent D
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I wanna see Evanescence so bad.
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Old 01-15-2004, 04:34 PM   #7
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Quote: (Originally Posted by Said Eyes) Maybe you didnt hear me there, BearFan, I said her voice was top notch. No problems with her voice at all it seemed.
I heard ya alright... I can have my own opinion, correct? I believe you, it's just not enough for me.

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Old 01-16-2004, 03:06 AM   #8
Said Eyes
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Quote: (Originally Posted by BearFan) I heard ya alright... I can have my own opinion, correct? I believe you, it's just not enough for me.
NO! Only my opinion is valid! Either agree or DIE!

But in all seriousness, what youre saying is fair, but from what I've seen (albeit only one performance) she had no problems.
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Old 01-16-2004, 03:36 AM   #9
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I have a couple Evanescence bootlegs and on all of them she sounds really bad. It's not the quality of the bootlegs ... it's her.

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Old 01-16-2004, 10:53 AM   #10
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And they did use pitch corrector on her voice in the album, u can hear it. I like the album though. Tourniquet reminds me of some old school metal song. Cant think of who though!!!!

I didnt go cos of money issues, but if I knew that finger eleven were coming out with them I would have BLOODY ROBBED A BANK!

WHY ME! I'm even more depressed now! Someone cheer me up! I have no chocolate left!
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Old 01-16-2004, 11:19 AM   #11
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Said eyes, can u have a look on your ticket if they gave u back one, and tell me what touring company brought them out? thanks
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Old 01-18-2004, 12:53 AM   #12
Said Eyes
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You're typical rock group presenters: Michael Coppel.
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