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Old 06-13-2009, 10:37 AM   #1
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Love This E-Mail I Got

Shame on our "president", having the nerve to go and tell a bunch of Muslims in the Middle East that we do not consider ourselves to be a christian nation. Let me ask first of all, how much courage does it take to step off of American soil and say that to a group of people who believe in another religion? How many Americans do you think that Obama actually spoke for on that day? Yes there are some who agree with that. But the majority of people in this country still identify themselves as christian today. And yes it is true that in America there are people with many different beliefs ranging from christian to even satanist to atheism. But the majority call themselves christian, and this country, will not a christian theocracy, was a nation set up by many people who were christian, and founded it upon christian principles.

Then several weeks later he says that we could be considered one of the largest Muslim nations in the world. So it's alright to label ourselves or "consider ourselves" to be something that a minority of the people in this country believe in...especially when for the sake of political expedience. Yet when it comes to calling ourselves or considering ourselves a christian nation by the same standard, that being number of christian believers, it seems Obama can't do that.

Newt Gingrich is not a perfect man. As a matter of fact, in typical "attack the person" fashion, some of Newt's opponents like to point out his marital infidelities. Well, that's not good. But I don't know, I guess either they must be perfect and think they can beat him over the head with sins that God may have forgiven him for, or else they just can't come up with any actual argument to refute the points.

These are some of Newt's points on the matter of whether or not America is a christian nation.

"We're no longer a Christian nation."
-- President Barack Obama
You have probably heard about President Barack Obama's speeches in foreign countries lately -- and some of the outrageous things he has been saying.

He stated on one trip that America is "no longer a Christian nation" -- but it still is.

If it concerns you that President Obama is telling the world that we are "no longer a Christian nation," I hope you will join me in launching a very special campaign to reclaim our heritage.

The evidence is clear that our Founding Fathers built our nation on Judeo-Christian principles.

In fact, I've written a book about it that I would like to send you.

I'll tell you more about that in a minute...

But first, I need you to CLICK HERE if you agree that we need to bring the virtues of our Founding Fathers back to government.

I think you know where I stand.

Like President John Adams, I believe that "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

But many on the Left are willfully ignoring the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of religion.

For instance, a legal battle to remove "In God We Trust" from U.S. currency is underway in the courts.

Far-left judges are ordering the Ten Commandments out of courthouses.

And Obama's administration is reversing the "Conscience Rule" to protect doctors and nurses who refuse to perform abortions due to religious reasons.

That's not what our Founding Fathers intended by separation of church and state.

But don't just take my word for it.

The evidence that our Founding Fathers built America on Judeo-Christian principles is written on nearly every building, memorial and monument in our Nation's Capital.

In my search for proof, I found scripture and religious references etched or engraved on some of the most important buildings in Washington, D.C.

For example, did you know that:

* "Holiness to the Lord" is engraved into a tribute block of the Washington Monument.

* A sculpture of Moses with the Ten Commandments appears over the east portico of the Supreme Court.

* "The heavens declare the glory of God" (Psalm 19:1) is engraved on a wall of the Library of Congress.

* And a heartfelt prayer from President John Adams is carved into the stone fireplace in the White House State Dining Room: "I pray to heaven to bestow the best of blessings on this house and all that hereafter inhabit it."

These are just a few of the many examples of Judeo-Christian imagery you'll find in our Nation's Capital.

Tourists visiting Washington, D.C. see them every day.

Yet President Barack Obama lives in the White House... and pretends they aren't there.

In fact, buried inside Obama's trillion-dollar stimulus package was anti-Christian legislation that would have stopped students of faith from using public schools for worship meeting or student Bible study groups.

Perhaps someone should remind the Obama Administration that members of Congress used to hold church services -- right in the U.S. Capitol building!

My friend, that someone is you and me.

Americans of faith need to know what's at stake.

That's why I founded "Renewing American Leadership" -- and why I need you to CLICK HERE if you agree that we need to bring the virtues of our Founding Fathers back to government.

Our Founding Fathers lived by those same values -- in fact, they prayed openly for our nation and even declared national days of prayer and fasting.

If you believe we need to protect our nation's Judeo-Christian heritage for future generations, then I hope you will CLICK HERE to make your very best gift of $35, $50, $100, or even $500 to Renewing American Leadership today.

Your gift is tax-deductible. And in appreciation of your contribution of $35 or more, I will send you a copy of the book I mentioned earlier, Rediscovering God in America.

I wrote Rediscovering God in America to prove that our Founding Fathers clearly built this nation on Judeo-Christian values. Now you and I must tell millions of people that the proof is engraved in stone all over our Nation's Capital!

My friend, these are dangerous times for our nation and I'm counting on Americans of faith -- like you -- to support Renewing American Leadership.

Do you agree with President Barack Obama's claim that "we are no longer a Christian nation"? If you don't, then please accept my invitation and CLICK HERE to make your tax-deductible donation of at least $35 to Renewing American Leadership today... and receive YOUR copy of Rediscovering God in America.

Our Founding Fathers weren't ashamed to declare their faith in public -- and we shouldn't be either!

Your friend,

Newt Gingrich
Former Speaker of the House

P.S. When Sean Hannity read my book, he said it "personally deepened his faith." I hope it will do the same for you and your family!

The next time an Obama liberal tells you "we're no longer a Christian nation," you can hold up your copy of Rediscovering God in America and tell them, "Yes, we are!" Thank you for your support!

__________________________________________________ _______________

It's unfortunate that we elected this childish man to lead us. God stated that as we got near the end that our leaders would start to think and act like children, basically. Well, unfortunately that's what we have today with our president. He's not alone... either in this country or in this world. We'll come out of it just fine, though we will have some rough sledding before we get there. But hey, do you have faith in God? Do you believe Him when He says He will watch over and protect you, that if it comes down to it and He says not one hair on your head will be harmed, do you believe that?

Then I think we can handle a little bit of rough sledding.

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Old 06-15-2009, 08:58 AM   #2
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Re: Love This E-Mail I Got

This is why I get so upset with this perspective. THIS IS NOT, I should repeat, NOT, a war on Religion! Church and State SHOULD be separated. Have people completely forgotten the FIRST AMENDMENT!?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof .... "

Yes, I also believe the principals used in the establishment of this country were Judeo-Christian, however they were also trying to escape religious persecution!

This is hate spreading and fear mongering.... that's all the Republicans have .. they lack any legitimate argument and its actually very, very sad.

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Old 06-15-2009, 04:28 PM   #3
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Re: Love This E-Mail I Got

This to me is a very disappointing response.

I remember well the nature of the Faith/Religion forum at Creednet, where most of not all of us came from. I remember it as a place of people of many different faiths and perspectives. It was not a christian only board, and as such, healthy debate, and sometimes very heated debate was normal.

I have and never really had any problem with healthy debate and friendly and civil disagreement. Such things are never really bad, so long as they stay friendly and civil. In the context of such discussions, it's rare that anyone's mind is ever changed, but it's still an opportunity to learn more about other people's views.

I know you and I Keli have come to have very different views and beliefs in certain areas.

That said, while I would not wish or want to necessarily squash any form of healthy and civil debate, the purpose of this post, while indeed critical of Obama, was mainly to encourage christians who have pride and devotion both to their faith and to their country and the ideals that it was founded upon. I did not "love this e-mail" because it agreed with my political ideals. I loved this e-mail because it agreed with my faith. To think back and look at some of the solemn and sincere expressions of faith expressed in the very stone of some of the buildings of our nation's capital is amazing to think about and to consider. The reverence that most of the men had for God and their looking to Him to guide and bless this nation was something that I believe was very real.

It's interesting the comment made about reading the book personally deepening the faith of Sean Hannity. How can such things not deepen the faith of a christian? How can such things not make a christian have that much more respect for the heritage of this nation, and the ideals that let it come to be as a sovereign nation? It's as the best and most knowledgeable bible teacher I have ever come across states, in a very short amount of time we became the super power of super powers and the greatest nation in the world. That can't be just a coincidence, but came about from the blessings of God. How do you acheive the blessings of God? You seek out and try to do His will and you lead your life accordingly. You lead your nation accordingly.

Many people look at the word caucasian and say, well that's talking about a white person. But it goes a lot deeper than that. You had the House of Judah, which also included the tribe of Benjamin, and then you had the House, or kingdom of Israel, which consisted of the other tribes. The House of Israel was taken captive by the Assyrians, and then they were scattered. But where did they scatter to? More to the point, how did this word "caucasian" come to be?

It came from the fact that the tribes of the house of Israel were taken by the Assyrians to the Caucasus Mountains, and they would migrate over those Caucasus Mountains. It refers to an event more than it does a race or skin color. But it refers to an event concerning the 10 tribes (minus Judah and Benjamin) of Israel. Most people today look at Israel just as a country in the Middle East, and some christians today even speak of it with a bit of jealousy because they are called God's chosen people, and they do it being ignorant of their own history. They don't even realize the origin of Anglo Saxon, Saxon being "Isaac's Sons"... again the tribes of Israel!


Then you look at where most Americans are considered to "come from"... that being England. In England they have crowned nearly all of their monarchs on a coronation stone. That may not seem all that significant except when one considers the history of this stone, which has moved around a good bit through the ages. It's been to Ireland, it's been to Scotland, and it sits now in England. Some call it the Stone of Scone, some call it the Stone of Destiny, but the interesting thing about it is it's a type of stone that isn't natural to or found in England. It is found in Judea and Moab... and it's the very stone that Jacob laid his head down on in Genesis 28. It's interesting as well that the English royal line goes back to the royal line of David.


When they say "God save the Queen", for instance, where does that originate from?

2nd Chronicles 23:11Then they brought out the king's son, and put upon him the crown, and gave him the testimony, and made him king. And Jehoiada and his sons anointed him, and said, God save the king.

It is believed by many that the nation of Britain is of the tribe, or actually half tribe of Ephraim and that America is of the tribe of Manasseh. While many of the people may not know and forgot who they are, God certainly knows.

There is much on the blessings and destiny of Ephraim and Manasseh here.


Why am I going into this digression of sorts? Well because I think it's important that people know and understand who they are. If God made a covenant with the nation of Israel and made promises to the people thereof, how can people claim those promises if they don't even know who they are?

I guess what I'm saying is that the "Judeo-Christian" principles and traditions go back farther in this country than many people even realize. It's interesting too that as I have been reading in 2nd Chronicles the history of the kings, mainly the kings of Judah, at that time, but how when things went well for them, they were following the ways of the Lord, and in particular the king was. When that king started to allow the return of idolatry and other forms of worship and heathen practices to seep into the kingdom of Judah, invariably it would result in God coming down on Judah, most generally by utilizing heathen nations to do the correcting, and ultimately allowing both the House of Israel and the House of Judah to be carried away into captivity.

America I believe did things God's way and was very richly blessed. Imagine the concept of a nation that was only a couple of hundred years old becoming the richest, most powerful nation on the planet... a nation that did not achieve such a status through conquering other nations either. But rather we became a nation that was seen as the standard bearer of freedom and liberty, and who sought to help other people enjoy the same freedoms and liberties. I'm sure such a thought would have been seen as impossible to most of the world. And yet it happened.

But now, can we honestly look at America today and say it's as great as it was 50 years ago? 100 years ago? 150 years ago? Looking at America today and all of our problems that we face, economically, socially (crime, tensions between groups of people), politically in terms of bad government, bad policies both domestic and foreign, and whatever else. Is it really coincidence that as we have just sat back and allowed a few who get offended by the sight of anything mentioning God in "the wrong place" to have their way that things have gotten worse? I mean really hasn't that the way it's always worked? Do your best to follow God both as an individual and as a nation and you'll be fine. But forsake God, and He will forsake you. How many examples do we have set before us that very thing in God's Word?

I'll say a bit more later, regarding the regarding the First Amendment... though truthfully I had no desire to debate or to argue. Like I said, I meant this as something for christians to take heart in and reflect upon. I'm sorry it had to turn into something else.

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Old 06-15-2009, 07:42 PM   #4
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Re: Love This E-Mail I Got

But now, this notion of not being a war on religion... it is a war on faith and belief. That's the sum total of the war, the controversy that we're all in right now, if you are a believer... or quite frankly even if you're not.

But is Obama the enemy? Is the atheist who wants "In God We Trust" or "One nation under God" or the 10 Commandments removed from a courthouse, is that person the enemy? Not really

Ephesians 6:11 "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh ad blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

That's where Satan likes to operate... in places and in the minds of those with authority. He likes to operate in government... we'll take away your rights but it's for your own good because the government knows best. We'll inject just a wee bit of socialism here. If we can do that without any objection, then we'll add a little more here. Then a little more, a little more, and then eventually you're not living in a free nation where you're free to make your own life and way. You're living in a nation where the government controls how you live, what you make, and what you get to keep.

Satan likes to operate in the classroom, and in the science labs. "Everyone knows that evolution is a proven fact for how every life form today came to be. It's just superstition to believe the notion that God actually created and formed all life. It all originated from some single cell and millions or billions of years later... boom, here we all are. Now we'll call it "theory" but we'll teach it as undisputed fact and defend it as if it were our religion."

Satan loves to operate in the financial arena. Do whatever he can to put people in debt and keep them there, put nations in debt and keep them there. I'll guarantee you that very few Americans are aware of the fact that one of the greatest enemies we have faced both in the past and certainly today is the Federal Reserve, or any centralized "national banking system"... the Fed had a forerunner known as the Second Bank of the United States. Andrew Jackson fought against them and they tried to have him killed. Typical of Satan's children, going back to the Pharisees, but really going back to Cain, who was the first murderer.

And of course Satan loves loves LOVES to operate in the churches. There is a famine that we're experiencing right now. It's not a famine for bread or for water, but for hearing the truth, as it says in Amos 8:11. I don't know, how many churches today teach the whole unvarnished truth, chapter by chapter from the Word of God, without apology, and without man's tradition and denominational doctrine?

The bottom line is the whole point of all of this is that we are at war over religious ideas... and it's not a war of guns, of bombs, but of ideas. It takes place between people in the same country, it takes place in conflicts amongst nations. It's a war between good and evil, God and Satan, and all of us are in the middle of it, like it or not... and every idea you have, every stance you take, every belief that you hold dear puts you on one side or the other.

Let's take a look at the First Amendment, and let's try to look at and consider the context of things. Naturally, when it's all said and done people are still going to disagree. But, I want to take a look at it regardless.

Keli quoted it, and it is the exact wording, so let's take that.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof .... "

Now, first of all, naturally there's nothing in there saying anything but a separation of church and state, or a "wall of separation". Now I know where that idea comes from, and I trust Keli does as well, and many others probably do too. But we'll leave that alone for right now.

First of all, what is Congress here? What is the body being talked about? It is, obviously the United States Congress, or the federal legislative branch. So that's the first thing we need to get squared away right out of the gate, is that we're dealing not with anything state or local, but we're dealing with the federal legislative branch.

Ok, what's a law? It seems like a simple question, maybe even a stupid one. But what's a law?

1law Listen to the pronunciation of 1law
Middle English, from Old English lagu, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse lǫg law; akin to Old English licgan to lie — more at lie
before 12th century

1 a (1): a binding custom or practice of a community : a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority (2): the whole body of such customs, practices, or rules (3

So, let's say that a law is a binding custom or rule of conduct that is enforced by a controlling authority.

So in effect we're saying that the federal legislative branch shall not make a binding rule that people are forced to comply to respecting an establishment of religion, or free exercise thereof.

Has that ever happened? Has it ever happened?

When someone gets upset at Christmas because there's a manger outside the local courthouse, was that a case of the United States Congress saying, "That manger will go outside that courthouse in Podunkville, Oregon and everyone in Podunkville shall kneel down when they pass that courthouse and pray and thank God Almighty for His Son Jesus Christ, and violaters will be fined or jailed."

You see, not only hasn't that happened, part of the issue is this. So many people get offended at seeing something religious, or more to the point, almost always something christian, that they say "Well that's a violation of my first amendment rights". Oh? So that's a law having to do with something that our United States Congress passed there in that town of 200 people that barely shows up on the map huh? Well I guess Congress just didn't have anything better to do with there time that day, apparently.

You see, if anything, religion by and large is a matter regulated by and in the jurisdiction of the states, and their own state constitutions. That's the very way the founding fathers wanted it, that's the way it's supposed to be settled. Most scholars of the constitution agree on that. Now, maybe someone has an issue that stands in violation of a state constitution, although I'm sure state constitutions get misinterpreted and torn apart as well. It's interesting too that while separation proponents like to point out the Constitution is a "Godless document", but from what I've seen I believe every state constitution makes mention in some way of God... the mentions are brief and don't say "Praise Jesus" or anything like that, but they are there.

But beyond that, let's consider the religious persecution angle. What were the issues they had with the Church of England, and what did they see as bad or negative about it? Well for one thing they certainly didn't want a "national church" that everyone had to attend. They didn't want the leader of their government to be the head of the church, as was the case in England. Those who did not want to be part of the king's church were looked down upon and discriminated against. Quite simply, I believe that was the whole intent of "establishing a religion"... Congress would not, the government would not create a national church, as England had. They saw the problems with that, lived them in fact. I don't believe the "establishment clause" keeps government from encouraging or expressing a religion, and I don't believe the founding fathers did either.

You can find quotes that say this, quotes that say that from Founding Fathers that seemingly lend support to both sides. So when in doubt, I look at what they did... how they governed, what they allowed... and quite simply looking at the actions of the very founding fathers and our early government, many of today's separation advocates would declare the very authors of the constitution and bill of rights as doing things that were "unconstitutional" and violated the establishment clause. Just taking a guess, I would imagine that they knew more what they were talking about and what they meant than what we do.

So I'm guessing that if they wanted to hold church services in the capitol building, it must have been constitutional. I'm guessing if they wanted to distribute bibles and give money to missionaries, it must have been ok constitutionally. Quite frankly, if not, they were some of the most rogue,corrupt, and hypocritical leaders ever, and I don't believe that. I don't think the people they represented believed that either.

By the way, I believe it is vital that we consider the original intent of the founding fathers when drafting the first amendment. This is a relatively brief but pretty good essay on that.


But to say it's not a war on religion, well it's a war on faith. If it's not, why would we ever consider removing protections from doctors who don't want to perform abortions for religious reasons? Why would we seek to tear down the institutes, the ideas, the beliefs that formed this country and helped it prosper?

And see, to me, legislation from Washington that prohibits students from meeting at school for prayer or bible study is exactly a violation of the First Amendment.... Congress passing a law prohibiting the free exercise of religion.

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Old 06-16-2009, 11:26 AM   #5
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Re: Love This E-Mail I Got

its a sympontheny of destruction Brother Thank you Jason for sharing tha email PRAISE JESUS AND FIGHTING FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN These Our The Times When We Must STAND UP FOR JESUS these times our changing and mixed and the word of Gods Prophecy of course coming to pass JESUS SAID when we see These Things Take Place And Leaders Of This Country Giving Power To Make War With JESUS He Said Unto Us All FEAR NOT FOR I,am With Thee And Peace Will Be With Your Heart Thanks For Posting Jason a lot when in your posts brother PRAISE JESUS For Giving You That Time To Minster And Share Your Views With Us
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Old 06-16-2009, 12:03 PM   #6
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Re: Love This E-Mail I Got

Thank you for the encouraging words TrulyAmazing. I think I needed a little boost up of sorts there. Truthfully I was just hoping that I could find the right words and God could give me the right words to make my point, long though it was. I'm glad that someone found the original intent as it was meant.

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Old 06-17-2009, 09:52 AM   #7
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Re: Love This E-Mail I Got

He didnt say that we were one of the largest muslim nations. He said that if you took all of the muslims in america and considered thier numbers, we could be considered one of the largest muslim nations in the world. Big difference, and it's true.
Some people are like slinkys; they don't really have a purpose, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
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Old 06-17-2009, 10:55 PM   #8
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Re: Love This E-Mail I Got

Quote: (Originally Posted by metalchris25) He didnt say that we were one of the largest muslim nations. He said that if you took all of the muslims in america and considered thier numbers, we could be considered one of the largest muslim nations in the world. Big difference, and it's true.

Perhaps, and probably.... but only because of the sheer number of people in this nation, which of course makes it one of the most populous in the world. Obviously most of your Muslim nations are Arab and in the Middle East/Africa... a continent which is made up of I believe 53 countries or some figure like that. Obviously, some of those have rather high population totals, some do not.

At any rate, the number of Muslims in this country would be nothing more than an estimate, and you get all sorts of different figures on how many Muslims make up that "estimate". It really depends on who's doing the estimating. I've seen where it's believed there are 2 million Muslims in America, I've seen where it's been estimated from anywhere of 6-10 million, which is a pretty large difference.

Really, when I read over your explanation again, I don't see it as the big difference you do. I'm not criticizing you for it, but when it's explained in that manner it sounds like merely a game of semantics designed to make it look like a "big difference". It actually kind of made me think back to the whole game Clinton's opponents found fun when he tried to define how he did and did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky.

Point being, I don't know if Obama has any core values to speak of. I think he just kind of blows along like a reed in the political winds, and is very much a true politician in that he'll do most anything, say most anything for political expediency and support. If he does have core values, I'm pretty sure that they're not good for Americans. Though he claims to be christian, and hey none of us are perfect... but it should be rather obvious that he does not have any foundation on the rock that will not be moved, the chief cornerstone, that being Jesus Christ. Quite frankly, that rock will offend some, but hey, truth always does offend some. It seems that our president does not like to offend very many people. Hey, being civil, showing good will, trying to get along with other people and other nations, that's important. But there are values, there are truths, and there are principles worth standing up for. You can be nice without being a wimp. You can be civil without going around apologizing to everyone for wrongs that you feel like have been committed. You can stand up for what's right and what's true, and stand up for your people and what they believe in, without selling them out to the "global community". You can show discipline and correction, and you can do it out of love.

Christians in particular need to watch this guy. For he will smile, and he will promise you almost everything in the world. He will promise to bring you hope... he'll promise to change things.... he'll promise a "better form of government". He'll pledge to give people in this country a lot of "free government hand me downs". There's nothing free, my friends. Everything has a price tag attached to it, in one way or another. The only thing in this world that might be considered free to you with no strings attached is salvation. But that certainly was paid for with an awesome price by Jesus Christ.

There's going to be another "messiah" coming, and truthfully speaking it probably won't be all that long before he gets here. He'll be something to... popular with most of the world... flattering, boy he will tell people just how great he thinks they are... he'll come looking to change the world... "We're going to be at peace, everyone's going to love each other, and oh dear children aren't you precious." He'll come in and he'll look like the Lamb slain. He'll offer you literally anything in the world because "he loves you".

The only thing is underneath that smile, underneath those flatteries, underneath appearing to look like Jesus, is Satan himself...looking to murder your very soul. Oh, he'll offer you the world... you just have to worship him. You just have to love him. There's just one problem with that. He's a fake, and he's got a one way ticket to the lake of fire. So why would you want to follow him?

Again speaking to christians, or to anyone with an open mind, watch Obama. For though he is not the antichrist, he most certainly is a type. He quite possibly is the strongest type and will be the last "type" we have before the real deal makes his appearance. When will that be? I don't know, for as it is written in Matthew 24:36, no man knows the hour. But we certainly know the season.

Friends look around, we're in that season. It's the season of the fig tree... the generation of the fig tree. Look around at what's going on in the world today. It's easy to get sidetracked with other things in this world, but don't let it happen. Don't go to sleep while you're on watchman duty. That wouldn't be good. By no means is it the unforgivable sin... but it still would not be good.

Said with love,

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Old 06-17-2009, 11:12 PM   #9
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Re: Love This E-Mail I Got

^Well said. He claims Christianity but denies hearing the offensive things said in a church he'd been a member of for twenty years.I call that a lie unless he really never attended and that would be another lie. His former pastor was right when he said of Obama,"he's a politician" and politicians lie.
When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power ....like God must feel when he's holding a gun.

-Homer Simpson

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Old 06-17-2009, 11:55 PM   #10
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Re: Love This E-Mail I Got

Quote: (Originally Posted by Faithwalker012) Perhaps, and probably.... but only because of the sheer number of people in this nation, which of course makes it one of the most populous in the world. Obviously most of your Muslim nations are Arab and in the Middle East/Africa... a continent which is made up of I believe 53 countries or some figure like that. Obviously, some of those have rather high population totals, some do not.

At any rate, the number of Muslims in this country would be nothing more than an estimate, and you get all sorts of different figures on how many Muslims make up that "estimate". It really depends on who's doing the estimating. I've seen where it's believed there are 2 million Muslims in America, I've seen where it's been estimated from anywhere of 6-10 million, which is a pretty large difference.

Really, when I read over your explanation again, I don't see it as the big difference you do. I'm not criticizing you for it, but when it's explained in that manner it sounds like merely a game of semantics designed to make it look like a "big difference". It actually kind of made me think back to the whole game Clinton's opponents found fun when he tried to define how he did and did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky.

Point being, I don't know if Obama has any core values to speak of. I think he just kind of blows along like a reed in the political winds, and is very much a true politician in that he'll do most anything, say most anything for political expediency and support. If he does have core values, I'm pretty sure that they're not good for Americans. Though he claims to be christian, and hey none of us are perfect... but it should be rather obvious that he does not have any foundation on the rock that will not be moved, the chief cornerstone, that being Jesus Christ. Quite frankly, that rock will offend some, but hey, truth always does offend some. It seems that our president does not like to offend very many people. Hey, being civil, showing good will, trying to get along with other people and other nations, that's important. But there are values, there are truths, and there are principles worth standing up for. You can be nice without being a wimp. You can be civil without going around apologizing to everyone for wrongs that you feel like have been committed. You can stand up for what's right and what's true, and stand up for your people and what they believe in, without selling them out to the "global community". You can show discipline and correction, and you can do it out of love.

Christians in particular need to watch this guy. For he will smile, and he will promise you almost everything in the world. He will promise to bring you hope... he'll promise to change things.... he'll promise a "better form of government". He'll pledge to give people in this country a lot of "free government hand me downs". There's nothing free, my friends. Everything has a price tag attached to it, in one way or another. The only thing in this world that might be considered free to you with no strings attached is salvation. But that certainly was paid for with an awesome price by Jesus Christ.

There's going to be another "messiah" coming, and truthfully speaking it probably won't be all that long before he gets here. He'll be something to... popular with most of the world... flattering, boy he will tell people just how great he thinks they are... he'll come looking to change the world... "We're going to be at peace, everyone's going to love each other, and oh dear children aren't you precious." He'll come in and he'll look like the Lamb slain. He'll offer you literally anything in the world because "he loves you".

The only thing is underneath that smile, underneath those flatteries, underneath appearing to look like Jesus, is Satan himself...looking to murder your very soul. Oh, he'll offer you the world... you just have to worship him. You just have to love him. There's just one problem with that. He's a fake, and he's got a one way ticket to the lake of fire. So why would you want to follow him?

Again speaking to christians, or to anyone with an open mind, watch Obama. For though he is not the antichrist, he most certainly is a type. He quite possibly is the strongest type and will be the last "type" we have before the real deal makes his appearance. When will that be? I don't know, for as it is written in Matthew 24:36, no man knows the hour. But we certainly know the season.

Friends look around, we're in that season. It's the season of the fig tree... the generation of the fig tree. Look around at what's going on in the world today. It's easy to get sidetracked with other things in this world, but don't let it happen. Don't go to sleep while you're on watchman duty. That wouldn't be good. By no means is it the unforgivable sin... but it still would not be good.

Said with love,

Way to dance around the point of my post. lol.
You can ask anyone on these boards, and they will tell you that I am a die hard Christian. I was just saying that you were wrong in your quote of Obama saying that this was a Muslim nation
Some people are like slinkys; they don't really have a purpose, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
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Old 06-18-2009, 09:10 PM   #11
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Re: Love This E-Mail I Got

Quote: (Originally Posted by Faithwalker012) Thank you for the encouraging words TrulyAmazing. I think I needed a little boost up of sorts there. Truthfully I was just hoping that I could find the right words and God could give me the right words to make my point, long though it was. I'm glad that someone found the original intent as it was meant.

Your Welcome Man Believe Me you I know how it is making your long posts and all the hard work that goes in internet Minstries for that matter PRAISE JESUS know need to apoalagize for your long posts I dont Lord Knows Sometimes I,ve Felt i,ve Had To Apolagize for my long posts AND PRAY That The Message is heared to those who need it GLORY TO GOD its hard sometimes to get to the point out unless im shouting i cant het it out so the internet is safe for me AMEN so sometimes that message comes across in my posting of misspelling but i ever write in few words everybody thinking something the matter with me But I ENCOURAGE JUST TO POST ON PEACE BE WITH YA i for one loved your post because i dont whatch the news or anything like that and further more when your making long posts jason there hard to do sometimes Great Job man
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Old 06-19-2009, 09:27 AM   #12
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Re: Love This E-Mail I Got

Quote: (Originally Posted by eusebioCBR) ^Well said. He claims Christianity but denies hearing the offensive things said in a church he'd been a member of for twenty years.I call that a lie unless he really never attended and that would be another lie. His former pastor was right when he said of Obama,"he's a politician" and politicians lie.

Unfortunately, Obama has little to no concept of what Christianity is about. Or maybe more to the point, he seems to have no real desire to live his "confessed faith". None of us are perfect, but a true christian who is striving to live according to the will of God would not do or say the things this man does.

You are correct, he is a politician. He's sharp enough to know that the majority of the people in this country are christian in their beliefs, so he "says" he's a christian too. When he speaks to a nation of christian people he tells them what they want to hear (sort of) and identifies himself with them. When he's away from that group of people and speaking to Muslims in another country, he tells them a little bit more of what they want to hear.

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Old 06-19-2009, 09:39 AM   #13
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Re: Love This E-Mail I Got

I knew you were a christian. I saw a message or comment from you stating or showing as much a few months back.

I don't know that I danced around your point, or I certainly wasn't trying to. I certainly did get long winded.

But looking back, I don't know if I even see any initial discrepancy or disagreement between us.

Here is what I said, and how I worded it.

"Then several weeks later he says that we could be considered one of the largest Muslim nations in the world."

Here was your correction of me.

"He didnt say that we were one of the largest muslim nations. He said that if you took all of the muslims in america and considered thier numbers, we could be considered one of the largest muslim nations in the world. Big difference, and it's true."

It seems like the wording that we both used was that Obama said we could be considered one of the largest Muslim nations in the world. The only difference I see is you included his reasoning based on numbers, and I did not. An important point, but the only real difference, seemingly, in what we said.

I don't know, I don't see where I used the wording that Obama said we were a Muslim nation. I can see how you might think I was implying that, and maybe on some level I was. But, it seems like we worded things in mostly the same manner.

I don't know, maybe this whole thing could have been avoided?

No worries though... I do appreciate you trying to keep me on my toes and accurate.

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