Thread: Stapp Confesses
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Old 01-14-2006, 06:55 PM   #58
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Re: Stapp Confesses

Quote: (Originally Posted by Stappishot) What does everyone think about this story? Do u think it's more of a push my career cause his album isn't doing so well and he wants people to read it and feel sorry for him so they will buy the album, or do u think maybe he really wanted to tell his side finally? Ur opinion please.

What do you think?

I'm not bashing the guy, so please don't think that.

You bashing Stapp? The guy who you said is going to destroy his sons life by getting married... and then will ultimately destroy his marriage because you think he's a drug addict?

Why does everyone always think there's a catch. The guy said what he was feeling... and came out about his problems.
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