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Old 09-26-2006, 10:23 PM   #7
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Re: Is Hugo Chavez Crazy?

Quote: (Originally Posted by RalphyS) Well, crazy isn't the word, I think. This guy seems to ride on the wave of anti-American sentiment in his country and all over the world. Noone really takes him seriously, because he is overstating his points and therefore he can never be the posterboy for the above mentioned sentiment.

On the other hand it does win him democratic elections in his own country. politicians all are the same, Dubya uses the fear for terror for his own political gain, Chavez uses the dislike for the American politics for his.

What should concern the USA is that this anti-American sentiment, even in the west, has grown to such proportions, even among those who admire the basic American values for decades, that guys like this are almost taken seriously.

I know that Americans usually do not care about much outside their country, but never before has an American president been looked upon with so much disregard in the world as George W. Bush and you know this is an understatement. Should it be a reason for concern for you? You decide that for yourselves!

Speaking for myself, anti-American sentiment does not bother me in the least. If anything it makes me feel more patriotic.

There's some anti-Eusebio sentiment in my own life and I'll never change anything about myself for anybodys approval. So I respect my country for doing the same.

If the world isn't happy with America, then they should try some good old fashioned capitolism and take charge.

If Hugo believes GWB is satan, he sure doesn't seem to mind $doing business$(oil) with the devil. Hugo isn't crazy, he's just another HYPOCRITE.
When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power God must feel when he's holding a gun.

-Homer Simpson

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