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Old 12-08-2005, 11:23 AM   #27
Status: Naked Toddler
Posts: 292
Joined: Jan 2004
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Quote: (Originally Posted by titan9) Well, after being married to a psycho like her, wouldn't you say the same thing?

As far as I can tell, the hotel people haven't released it to the public that means no one has it right now but them. Guess we'll just have to wait and see if they release it or not.

If you've actually read the PBF message board lately(and I have), they have all freely admitted that he has problems and that he has made mistakes. The Admin over there has even said that she thinks Scott should apologize to the SpikeTV people(including the hosts of Casino Cinema). Everyone expects the PBF'ers to chastize Stapp and suddenly stop supporting him. But they won't do that. What they have chosen to do, though, is to forgive him(like any good Christian is supposed to do), rather than continually criticize his every move. They aren't going to let what he does in bars or during TV tapings effect whether they like his music or not. They want to be positive when it comes to Scott and his music.

If you(and this includes everyone who criticizes PBF) don't like the positivity at PBF, or the fact that people over there are so willing to forgive Scott for his wrong-choices, then do yourself a favor: STAY OFF THE FORUMS! They won't change their ways just because so and so says they are "obsessed" or "blind". They have freely chosen to be positive and that is their prerogative. In my honest opinion, it is ridiculous to criticize them for wanting to run positive forums where bashing Scott is not allowed.

And all of this is coming from a non-posting member at PBF...go figure.

U know what, everyone has there on opinion here, ok. I'm starting to see how stapp really is, that's why I have so much to say. He's a hypocrite, he doesn't practices what he preaches. Until I see him straighten up his act, I wont support him like I used to. It's good and all that u forgive him, fine good 4 u, but I'm not as ready as u are. Yes I know he's human and all blah blah blah, but to say one thing, then do the next, and if ur fans aren't used to seeing u like that, it kinda throws the fan off to left field. And believe me I don't care if pbf doesn't changed there was on stapp, if they choose to forgive him on everything, good for them, but that's not how I see it. Worship the music not the person. I'm sorry if we all have opinions here, and we speak on them. Sometimes the artist has to see what his/her fans are saying to get a real reality check.

Last edited by Stappishot : 12-08-2005 at 11:25 AM.
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