Thread: root of evil?
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Old 10-09-2007, 07:16 PM   #10
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Re: root of evil?

Quote: (Originally Posted by RalphyS) What I do blame the church(es) for, is assuming that if you tell adolescents, that using a condom while having sex if you have sex, will automatically lead to them having sex.

If you're mind is set on abstinence, I would suggest a talk about how to use a condom, would not deter you from that, but there are enough adolescents out there, who do not take the preaching of their parents always to heart, in fact, I presume you know that teens are in large numbers notoriously rebellious against their parents and other authority figures during that period of life.

Those who subscribe to other sex ed than abstinence (I have no problem for abstinence to be included btw) do not condone the rebellious nature of teens, but we do acknowledge it, and the churches do not, this is the biggest problem. We live in the real world and they live in an ideological sexfree utopia, but at the same time have less faith in their 'good' kids, for a talk about 'condoms' may lead the same kids astray.

Point well taken.
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