Thread: root of evil?
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Old 10-05-2007, 05:37 AM   #7
Lunar Shadow
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Re: root of evil?

Quote: (Originally Posted by RalphyS)
I don't think I need to elaborate what's in the human's nature.

Indeed Ralphy,

if you wanna speak on human nature well lets take a look at the pitiful excuse for sex ed in America.... The abstianace only education has been shown to be a total and utter failure yet the religious right keeps trowing money in to it. teen pregnency it on the rise as well as STD's. Why? oh simple because the sex ed system in this country basically goes like this... We'll tell people that protection doesn't work so they won't have sex. how ever what happens is that they will abstain from sex for a few months longer than they would have and then have sex with out a condom... why because the sex ed curriculum only spoke of condoms in their failure rate, so why use them right?

this is the bull shit we deal with day in and day out having to deal with the religious right. and where does this come from.... the catholic church and the protestant side as well.

just another short rant.
Lunar Shadow
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