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Old 06-16-2004, 07:27 PM   #26
Bridge of Clay
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so now I'm home and all the excitement of just hearing it is gone... I'll make a better review in my opinion...

First thing that's changed: It begins with Flip hitting the drums!!! Most of Creed songs begin with Mark's guitar and then Flip starts his job. Very nice!

The sound: I was expecting something totally different, harder... turns out it's so melodic, creedish. And that's what I loved about it!!! It has Mark's signature, which means it's amazing! I loved the melody.

Honestly, I didn't get chills down the spin like when I heard My Sacrifice for the first time. But I've never been so anxious for a song before and after I heard it... I was literally with my arms shacking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I think it's up the chills in emotions scale! lol! ) The solo... Mark shows how to shred it up!!! It's beautiful, the guitar is singing along! And finally he decided to show his voice. I always liked the songs he sings.

Flip: he's always improving. I don't know much about drums, but it fits so well to the song: not hidden, not over heard, it's perfect the way it is.

Brian: as I said, my speakers didn't allow me to hear the bass parts. When I fix it, I'll have a better notion, but from what I heard it...I was glad he's back. He's unique, he manages to create sub-melodies like in Say I and Pity for a Dime! Well done!

And last , but not the least:

Myles: what a range, so much control!!! I knew he was good, I dig M4's stuff after we knew he was the one, but on this song... he's indeed the best voice of rock I know. I love Stapp's voice and his way of singing, but Myles is better trained. He sounded completely different from the M4 mp3 I got (just 3: Eden, Flatley's Crutch and another one I forgot!). He rules!!! I wasn't surprised because I knew where he was coming from... but all the time I hear it, I keep thinking how awesome he is. I can't dare trying to sing AB's songs because I'd ruin it. And I love when he goes "uuuuhhhhhh"-ing.

The Lyrics: awesome!!! Indeed I was blown away, as Denise forecasted. Really beautiful! I don't know if it's only Mark's work or if this is one of the songs Myles collaborated, but I congrat him/them! They were really inspired and I wonder by what!

Although many comparissons are being made to Creed, I don't think it's a bad (comparisson). There's nothing wrong. I'm sure that when we hear the next songs, the band will grow apart. Indeed it was an excellent choice for a debut song and to get known.

Cheers, Alter Bridge!!! You guys have no idea how I missed your work!!! That's what motivate us to keep going!

But the bestest thing is that they know I exist now, since DJ Buckethead mentioned my name to them! LOL!

:: Marcos ::
.:: "If people don't like guitar solos... then they're frikkin' stupid!" - Mark Tremonti ::.
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