Thread: Check this out!
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Old 07-30-2005, 11:33 AM   #1
Status: Blue Collar
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Check this out!

(Originaly posted on the Roling Stones page)"Since we've developed quite a soft spot for typewriter repairmen and those guys who worked at the factory making the dials for rotary phones, we've gotta admit to feeling a little empathy for George Martin, who's not taking too kindly to being consigned to the employment scrap heap. The producer, who twirled the dials for the Beatles and . . . well . . . the Beatles, has gone public with his dismay at the fact that pretty much anyone in the world can make a record as well as a studio jockey on a six-figure retainer. Martin is ticked off about the fact that "with all the new technology, people can lie in their bath and make a rock record." Come to think of it, there are plenty of times we wish that were really true -- the prospect of seeing that guy from Alter Bridge handle an electric guitar while in the tub is mighty intriguing . . ."

What! Mark, in tje bathtub playing the guitar, that seems like a lot of fun to see!

Anyone knows about this?

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I kissed their feet in London in september
Does anyone know if Myles like my "jungel vrål" candy? Gave it to them when they were in London last time... PM me and tell me
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