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Old 04-23-2003, 11:52 AM   #46
Posts: n/a
I was at the Chicago show too, but this lawsuit pisses me off to no end. We were finally beginning to hear the end of it and then this crap is started over.

Alot of what those 4 people are claiming is being exaggerated. I was 2nd from the rail and had a good close-up view. He DID NOT spend the whole time on the floor and how do they know what exactly he had going on or what the rest of the band knew or didn't know. They are making Stapp sound like an alcoholic because he had a bad night.

I wonder if these people have ever heard of forgive & forget? I can't believe some of these "so-called" fans actually calling Scott names over on VH1. It was fine to be upset and voice your opinion for awhile after it happened but fans DO NOT treat a band they love that way. It is un-called for and so wrong.

I for one, will be one of the first in line for tickets for their next tour. I hope this silly-ass lawsuit is tossed out of court!

Thanks for hearing my view!
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