Thread: episode III
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Old 05-29-2005, 09:32 PM   #26
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I am bored so I have decided to list the "oddities of Episode III"

1 on 1 is better than 4 on 1? Mace +3 Jedi agaisnt Sidious=three dead Jedi. Mace versus Sidious equals... Mace wins? Explain that one to me.

What have I done? Anakin goes from quoting Jedi principles to pledging his services to Sidious. Now, this makes SENSE to an avid Star Wars fan. Sidious sheer power jcould easily overtake Anakin's CLEARLY confused mind and turn him to the Dark Side. Palpatine almost does this to LUKE, and Luke never had any reason to turn to the Dark Side. But they should have SOMEHOW communicated this on the visual screen, because it just seems a little QUICK.

Oh, and yeah, Qui-Gon is immortal. Yes, Rune you gave us a good explanation, one which I was aware of, and yet it does not make much sense, lol! I mean, blue and glowy Jedi does make sense, but if Qui-Gon had to SHOW them how to do this, then that is weird for a few reasons; Anakin does not need to be "shown", but this can be cleared up easily. Was can just imagine that Anakin is SO strong in the Force and his connection to Luke is alos so strong that he does not need to learn. But also, how did Qui-Gon find out? There were THOUSANDS of Jedi dying before him many of whom had greater power than he, and they never figured this out? Plausible? Yes. Likely? Uh-uh.

Of course, these are only a few, but I am now bored of WRITING the list, so... yeah. And of course, the stupidest part of all is the fact that the Death Star is NOT created by Geonosians but by Qui Xux, but then again that was really an Episode II problem, lol
Titans baby, Titans.
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