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Old 04-17-2006, 05:17 AM   #3
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Re: Iran President: Israel Will Be Annihilated

Quote: (Originally Posted by Ana4Stapp) So whats your suggestion? Invade Iran????

Note I heard form some analists that U.S. wont invade Iran at least this year because it could provoke the rise of the prices of the oil and gas in US and consequently it would ruin the plans of the Republicans regarding to the november's elections ...

I'm not making any suggestions. I'm just merely pointing out the obvious... that this guy is nuts. First of all... if he attacks Israel... he's going to have a major uphill battle because there's a major chance that he'll have more than just the United States, Britain, and Israel to deal with. I foresee the French acting militarily, Chirac's tolerance towards Islamic extremists is wearing thin. He's already threatened to use France's military strength to attack any nation that sponsors a terrorist attack against it... and German participation because Chancellor Merkel is very anti-terror (as well as some other major European powers). This guy has completely severed ties with Europe by questioning the legitimacy of the Holocaust... and telling Europe, essentially, that the Jews are their problem.

If we're not in World War III yet, Iran is going to be the nation that sparks it. They're led by a man who makes some racist comments that are very reminiscent of Adolf Hitler... and that is creating a lot of anger in the governments of Europe's strongest nations, and the United States. Trust me, based on some recent poll numbers... an overwhelming majority of Americans would support military action against Iran's nuclear sites if we have to resort to that. This isn't Iraq or Saddam Hussein. In Iran, you have a madman who is constantly threatening to attack Israel and is parading the fact that he has nuclear ambitions within his weapons arsenal. I mean, it's not like he's just saying: "We just want nuclear energy. That's it." He's already talking about how he wants to kill every Jew in the Middle East. His anti-Semitism is going to create a lot of enemies.
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