Thread: Being Jewish...
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Old 03-16-2009, 09:48 AM   #12
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Re: Being Jewish...

Quote: (Originally Posted by Lost Tiger) I think someone should do some research (if they havent already) and find the reason why people have always been judgemental to one another.
Why racism was created, and so forth. It would be an interesting expriment.
Personally I think it is because being aware of the differences. But variety is a gods sense, and not a mankinds real life.
What I am trying to live is to be someone of another culture, just to reflect and work at my inner soul. The history in gods hand is different at the mankind who like to overwrite gods history just to excuse themselves for cruelties in the history. Each folk is not better than another, each word from humans against another is messed up against the development of characters in life, and characters in life are put in the variety of life in gods sense.

"Der Mensch hat sich einen Gott erschaffen, um mehr an sich zu zweifeln als an dem anderen, der ebenso an sich zweifelt, da die gesamte Menschheit unzweifelbar das größte Verwürfnis Gottes auf Erden ist." glauben die Atheisten. Die Nonatheisten glauben hingegen, dass Gott alles Leben erschaffen hat, um an Gott with Mt.22.37 to believe within your own authentic thinking art from your own hearts groove.

Last edited by Sakizopa : 03-16-2009 at 10:39 AM.
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