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Old 03-09-2006, 04:25 PM   #9
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Re: Being gay no grounds for asylum in Holland

Quote: (Originally Posted by RalphyS) I do not deny that The Netherlands are far from perfect, but most of our issues are domestic ones or at least not of much meaning on a worldwide level. What the USA does, right or wrong, is on a global scale as they are the only remaining superpower. And especially if the actions of the USA involve going to war far from home for dubious reasons, you cannot expect the rest of the world to turn a blind eye. We have a saying here in Holland: "High trees catch a lot of wind".

Btw you are a true Republican with your tactics of attacking the enemy instead of adressing the issues on hand and no, I have not been captain of a swift boat.

Dubious or not... a lot of countries felt that Saddam's weapons program was a threat. It wasn't just the United States. If I'm not mistaken, your own country also participated in the alliance against Saddam Hussein. What I don't understand is how so many countries came to the conclusion that it was worth their own time and money to go into Iraq... while people like yourself claim that it was a war based on lies. If anything, it was a war based on a consensus of faulty intelligence. I seriously doubt that nations like South Korea, Italy, and Poland are governed by liars.
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