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Old 11-07-2009, 12:14 AM   #5
Buried And Gone
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Re: I Got A Bit Upset by a Billboard

Why exactly does homosexuality need to be justified? Just because somebody that you believe was the son of god and a 12 year old girl who got pregnent without having sex supposedly said that it was wrong doesn't mean it is. In fact the entire bible is Racist,Sexist,Blaphemous and in all honesty just plain old fucking stupid. I believe all organized religion is detramental to society But just because I feel like that doesn't mean that christians,muslims,jews,buddhists,hindus etc should be barred from practising their beliefs because its NONE OF MY GOD DAMN BUSNIESS.
What people do with their lives has nothing to do with you. If gay people want to get married let them. If you guys want to have a problem with it, go pray for god to change it and do your thing. BACK THE FUCK OFF...

Your brother in Christ
~ Buried And Gone
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