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Old 02-04-2003, 09:20 AM   #6
Status: Misconception
Posts: 113
Joined: Dec 2002
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I'm glad you told me it wasn't "bashing" because otherwise I might have THOUGHT IT WAS!!!!!

Truly truly beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not everyone finds Creed Beautiful. But those who do are pretty SERIOUS ABOUT IT!

Even as a rabid fan, I did not love Weathered on first hearing, but now I put it on a par with the first two. Which I also did not love on first hearing. The artist packs so much into his art, and the "receiver" is not on his wavelength naturally, you have to WANT TO UNDERSTAND to do so.

It's the same with interaction between people, it doesn't come naturally to us to see things from the point of view of the other person. But that's what "just give love to all" is all about.

I cannot imagine how anyone can say that Weathered is not DIFFERENT from the earlier works. Each album is completely different from the other two to me, and yet each with Creed's "stamp".

Very serious, no "tongue in cheek" smirks. That is why they are hated by some. I think it is dangerous to look right at our deepest pain and wrestle with it, those who don't like Creed sense this I think, "six feet from the edge" is too dangerous, get away get away they say.

But some people are PUSHED THERE, and THERE THEY ARE and they need to hear someone else TALK ABOUT IT, when you TALK ABOUT THE DEMONS they become smaller. When you have others standing there with you.
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