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Old 06-26-2005, 11:33 PM   #13
Lunar Shadow
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This Makes 10!

And to make it a top 10 here you go


10. Commit an obvious logical fallacy .

Ex -
Apologist : How can you not believe in the bible ? Its the most widely practiced religion in the world
Non believer : *bangs head on keyboard* iasnfsklpdfknc ... Appeal to belief ...

Reason why this doesnt work : While logical fallacies are common and can be found on both sides every now and then , it is when you use one obviously and with total disregard to the rules of logic that causes non believers to step back and feel like they would be wasting their time even trying to carry on a conversation . While it is forgiveable when someone commits a fallacy in a normal and otherwise well spoken argument ( But take note this forgiveness does not suddenly make the argument valid ) It is rarely forgiven when one blatantly makes a rather short argument that is completely fallacious .

How to prevent yourself from making this mistake : Simple , google "logical fallacies" and search through to gain a basic understanding , or better yet take a college class in logic and reasoning . Make sure you think before you create an argument . Here are a few common fallacies to get you started :

Red herring : Changing the subject when you cant answer a question
Example : Bah ! who cares ! You atheists are all a bunch of gay lovers anyways ! ( which changes the subject to homosexuality )

Circular argument : A is true because B is true , and we know B is true because A is true .
Example : The bible is true because God wrote it . God exists because the bible says so .

Ad hominum : name calling to avoid a question
Example : Atheists are evil and only wish to rebel against god . Their logic is a trick of the devil . Philosophy is evil !

Switching the burden of proof : A fallacy that is committed when the side supporting the positive says that if the opposing side cannot prove the negative then the positive becomes true .
Example : You cannot prove that God does not exist, therefore He does.
Lunar Shadow
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