Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 04-06-2012, 06:35 AM   #2959
Status: Blue Collar
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Re: Daily Bread

Where is it? I can't SEE anything but the sweat in my eyes...

Greg was always told growing up that if he ever wanted to have anything he would have to get out there and work hard for it. By the sweat of his brow his bread would come. So through out his life he worked, day in and day out for small pieces of bread to feed himself and his family. He lived week to week barely getting by. At times he would only have enough in his pocket for something to drink until he was paid at the end of the week by his employer. Days would go by, exactly the same, there was no passion in his job, and no zest for life, just the same old thing. The fear that something may happen to prevent his weekly check from coming in was always at the forefront of his mind. What if the bills didn't get paid. His family would be out on the street, homeless and hungry. He had to work hard at this dead end job, there was not enough time left in the day to look for a new job or to gain an education his family depended on him to supply their needs.

One day Greg was walking home from work, when he saw a penny on heads peering up at him, he believed in luck, so he bent down to pick it up. As he stood up a stranger blocked his view...the stranger knew Greg, because he called him by name. Greg was curious but responded politely and waited for the tall man to speak. "You have been lied to", said the ghostly figure, "all these years you have been believing that you were living a life of lack, and so life supplied you with just what you saw, just what you believed to be true". "When in fact you have inherited a fortune, you are the Son of a KING. This KING owns everything and it's HIS good PLEASURE to share the KINGDOM with you. You have always been wealthy and blessed and your new life is waiting for you." Greg was baffled and really didn't know what to say. There was something powerful in the stranger's voice that made him believe in what he was saying.

The stranger proceeded to show him abundance in a way that changed his life forever. To open his eyes from the darkness he had been born into. He turned on a light in Greg and showed him the Son. You see, Greg, " There is plenty of air for all of us to breath, it never runs out, so one man or small group of people can't hoard all the air, nor do we need to be envious of one who may be breathing faster than another. We all KNOW that we all belong to it and it belongs to us, it doesn't run out, the supply is infinite. The truth is, the supply of all that is, is infinite. Greg, all you need to do my son, Is see it, because it's here now, The Son is here now and never truly left. A piece of that inheritance has always been in your heart and you felt it, you only needed someone special to open your eyes to the truth.

With that said, the stranger disappeared, and a strong wind swept over Greg. Swift chills spread over him like a wave, from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. He was in enveloped with a tingling sensation all over his body. With tears he looked down at the penny he held in his hand, and for the first time in his life truly saw the words, "In God We Trust", and said with a soft whisper, "Thank You, my Lord."

Who would think ONE CENT could multiple into abundance in everyway over night. (GOD ECONOMICS)

"He that have a bountiful eye shall be blessed." King Solomon in the Book of Proverbs

“He who dares assert the I (EYE), May calmly wait, while hurrying fate Meets his demand with sure supply.”

“Make channels for the streams of love,
Where they may broadly run,
For Love has overflowing streams
To fill them every one; *
“But if at any time we cease
Such channels to provide,
The very founts of Love for us,
Will soon be parched and dried; *
“For we must share if we would keep
Such blessings from above,
Ceasing to give, we cease to have,
Such is the law of Love.”


Sphinx..signing off.
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 04-06-2012 at 07:21 AM.
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