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Old 08-28-2008, 06:58 PM   #3
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Re: A political random thought

The media is also ignoring Obamas relationship with a terrorist William Ayers. They are associates. Obama's career was launched in this guy's house! This guy was one of Obama's mentors, taught him the ins and outs of radicalism as authored by Saul Alinsky. "The relationship between Ayers and Obama is much deeper and longer than Obama admits. They ... were partners in various entities and regularly exchanged ideas, including," according to Investor's Business Daily, "how to turn Chicago schools into re-education camps to create a generation of social revolutionaries." That's who Bill Ayers is, and he is unrepentant. And this is who Obama worked with on education.

"One of Ayer's descriptions for a course" that he and Obama designed and worked on is "called 'Improving Learning Environments'," and here's the description: "Prospective K-12 teachers need to 'be aware of the social and moral universe we inhabit and ... be a teacher capable of hope and struggle, outrage and action, teaching for social justice and liberation. Now, Stanley Kurtz writes for National Review Online. He's a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He is a Harvard-educated social anthropologist who frequently does contribute to National Review and some other publications. He is widely respected.

His research is meticulous, and he has been doing for months the job the mainstream media refuses to do, and that is examine the background and the public records of Obama to try to find out what's there. He specifically is looking into his relationship with Bill Ayers -- and he has found some documents in Chicago that give some details that shine the light on the lie that Obama barely knows Ayers. "He's just a guy in my neighborhood." It's clear that Obama does not want people to know how close he is to Bill Ayers. So, the Saul Alinsky-inspired Obama campaign has engaged in a brutal sleaze and smear tactic. The Obama machine is now going after Stanley Kurtz, who is just looking into this. He was on a Chicago radio station WGN, and the phone lines were flooded and the e-mails came in, and call after call after call came in denouncing Kurtz.

"Kurtz needs to stop this. We just want this to stop." The callers were robots. They were reading an e-mail that the Obama campaign had sent out and those that got through were just reading e-mails. We just want it to stop. The host said, "What has Mr. Kurtz said that's not true here tonight?" and they would not respond 'cause they couldn't respond. They just said, "We want it to stop. The criticism of Obama is just not what we want to hear as Americans," and these people were racing through their script, and they echoed the campaign insistence that it was Rosenberg, the host, who was lowering the standards of political discourse by having Stanley Kurtz on the air.When asked, "What's wrong?" when asked, "What's inaccurate?" when asked, "Well, what's Mr. Kurtz saying here that's incorrect?" they don't answer it. They read from the script: "We just want this to stop."

It's the same old political machine with a fresh new face.
When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power God must feel when he's holding a gun.

-Homer Simpson

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