Thread: No Religion...
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Old 01-07-2003, 11:59 PM   #20
Status: Unspoken
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Quote: Originally posted by Steve
Actually, I think you have that backwards... I think you need to have more faith to be a theist than an athiest. Science can prove and explain things... the big bang theory is a pretty sound theory and is logical. From a general standpoint, which seems more logical - the big bang theory or an almighty being simply creating the world from nothing?

Actaully, I am pretty sure that I don't have it backwards. Who says God couldn't have used the big bang? I'm not saying that he did, but who says he didn't? And then wouldn't it be more logical for God to create something out of nothing than nothing to create something? where did all the matter that is involved in the big bang come from? nothing? Or are you trying to say that it "always was, is, and always will be"? That sounds like you are making matter, a sort of God. Something for you to ponder...

To tell you the truth, I don't think the big bang really proves anything. What exactly are you trying to prove? It is just a theory that explains how all the stars where put into motion. Especially about life that statistic that i had 1 in a 10 with 60 zeros after it... that is actually the chance on one amino acid (the building blocks of life), to randomly assemble itself. Sorry for the confusion. And this is just for an amino acid, think of all the other things that just cannot happen by random chance, like protein, DNA, blood, my mind cannot even comprehend the complexities of these systems.
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