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Old 03-22-2006, 08:51 PM   #7
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Re: Chavez: U.S. Has Lost in Iraq

How is Che Guevara a hero... and why is every Marxist government a failure? I mean Marxist governments never distribute the wealth like they are supposed to and consequently, a majority of that nation lives below the poverty line. They don't believe that people should be allowed to obtain financial success and want to limit people's achievements. If repressing people is "revolutionary" then I suppose Castro, Guevara, Stalin, Lenin, and Mao Zedong all fit under that category. The reason why the Chinese are successful is because their economy is very capitalist oriented.

I just went to the World Baseball Classic finals (this is the first time we've had this) and it ended up being Japan and Cuba. The Cubans were not allowed to talk to the media and were kept under close surveillance to make sure that they would not defect to the United States. It's quite sad in my opinoin. Whereas the Japanese were just as patriotic in representing their country... but were actually given freedom.
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