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Old 02-22-2004, 10:13 PM   #222
Status: Blue Collar
Posts: 630
Joined: Feb 2003
Currently: Offline
WeatheredWoman, thank you so much for telling us about your culture. You covered a great amount of facts, and my knowledge has increased due to your kindness.

There are many wonderful things about the U.S.A. The beauty of the land in our country is so varied. It is like being in many different countries, from coast to coast. People vary as much as the land, with many accents and languages, and skin tones form a beautiful rainbow with many races.

However some of the cultural difficulties are the same in each of our countries. Many people living together, who have different beliefs, and customs. They call America "The Melting Pot Of The World", meaning all cultures blending together, as though melted as one. It is a wonderful thought, but not entirely reality. Prejudice exists, sometimes to extreme levels

And like your country, the gap between the rich and the poor, seems to be growing, and our elderly are having difficult times getting health care and medicine, because they cannot afford the costs. Even though Americans support many causes outside our country, there are children that go hungry within our own cities. Women with children to care for on their own have become a large percentage of the growing poor.

Laws for large business grow stronger, and the rights of small business, and the individual persons grow weaker. It is happening slowly, but steadily.

I have hope for the future however. I am meeting people like yourself who feel that we can make a difference in this world. Many on this board have learned from each other, myself included. Also, we teach by sharing our personal experiences in life, and you have taught me today.

I must sign off for tonight, but I would like to share more with you later.

Good Night.
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