Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 02-16-2012, 06:04 AM   #2948
Status: Blue Collar
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Re: Daily Bread

Look forward

"Don’t base your attitude on what you’ve already experienced in the past. Choose your attitude based on what you would most like to experience in the future.

The way you decide to see the world determines what kind of world you see. Decide to see, and to live in, the very best world you can imagine.

Don’t waste a lot of time complaining about what has already happened. Put your time and energy into envisioning and planning and acting to create the life you truly wish to live.

Look forward with eager anticipation, see life at its best, and smile about what you see. What’s ahead is what counts, because that’s what you have the opportunity to choose right now.

There’s never any reason to be discouraged. No matter where you are or where you’ve been, you can choose a positive future for yourself.

Look forward, and see the positive possibilities. Look forward, and step decisively toward the best of them."

This came from the daily motivator this morning. I liked it, I think it so true. I find myself putting more attention on the things I love to do and letting the things I want to complain about fall by the wayside. Complaining about things that happened in the past only creates the opportunity for a situation to occur that reflects that same type of life lesson. I have learned from it therefore, I am moving forward to bigger and better things and my focus is on what I love and what brings joy to me, joy to others and joy to my creator.

Some people I know...don't like positive people very much, I worried about that so I tried to maintain a comfortable neutrality, complaining just to please others so that I fit in, but ...I have made the decision that I am going to a happy place with or without them. I'm not looking back this time!

Last time, I looked back, and in doing so became trapped in the past and was unable to move forward. My opportunity for freedom vanished and I wound up right back where I started in a miserable situation and no, going back didn't change things, it only made me see with more clarity that this is not where I want to be.

So today...I have made my final decision, I am walking forward out of the misery forever...not looking back. Its going to be an interesting journey. More so that it has been in days past.

Its a big deal, because once you align your energy differently inside you, those who once were in your life, will change, others will emerge that match your frequency. Letting go, literally means letting go of what once was you and all those that once were in your immediate circle. So making the step to move forward sometimes means leaving behind an environment that you have become accustomed to.

From an article I read today:

"Limitless abundance and great value are here to be found in this moment. What a shame it would be if any little bit of useless negativity were to block that abundance from your awareness.

Joy and fulfillment are your destiny, so let them flow freely from you. Rise above the pettiness that often threatens to draw you in, and give your focus to the good things that truly matter.

Give your precious time the respect and appreciation it so richly deserves. Fill it with beautiful, meaningful, positive purpose."

Have a Great Day!

I have had an amazing 2 days...what a great Valentine's Day present, so very thankful for all the LOVE and REST.

"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 02-16-2012 at 06:31 AM.
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