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Old 10-04-2006, 06:29 AM   #7
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Re: This won't be good!

Quote: (Originally Posted by RalphyS) Although I do think the leader of North Korea shouldn't be just that and that the regime is bad for its population, I do not think that a nuclear North Korea is a direct thread, unless they are being attacked.

The recent history, as in the cold war, has proven that a power balance will lead to some sort of peace as long as the leaders on both differing sides are not fanatics.

If Hussein really would have had nuclear arms, I doubt that the US would have attacked.

Iran becoming a nuclear power is more frightening to me, because it's leading powers are religious fanatics, whose decisions aren't always based on rational deliberation.

North Korea will not attack is my suspicion, their nuclear program is defensive, not withstanding that I prefer them not to have them.

First of all, I think that North Korea is too poor to really afford a full scale war against the world's powers. It's all rhetoric with North Korea and it is helpful having nations like Japan who refuse to put up with North Korea's B.S.

Iran, like you said, is controlled by religious extremists. As we have seen since 9/11, Islamic extremists will do some incredibly crazy things. A nuclear attack on Israel really wouldn't surprise me.
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