Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 05-02-2012, 06:50 AM   #2992
Status: Blue Collar
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Re: Daily Bread

The Light at the End of the Tunnel...

"The further I walk into the LIGHT, the less I remember about the darkness." Kep Going

Today is about appreciating wealth. The lesson talks about envy and jealousy and what happens when we complain about not having enough. Any type of negative statement cuts off the financial flow. When we are jealous or envious of others, it is just like saying no, I don't ever want that.

I once read about a little trick on the mind you can do if you catch yourself feeling jealous or envious of someone.

It is a little mind shift...

When you see anyone wealthy, succeeding, beautiful life, beautiful body, beautiful home, beautiful career, wonderful family, great love, tons of support....etc...etc...

Just Say ....YES!!!

Because what that truly is, is the universe showing and asking you, "Would you like this for your life?"

Now if we say something negative or judgemental even in thought, it is just like saying NO...absolutely not, I don't want any of it.

If we look at it in that form, and remember it when we begin to get a little green around the will never allow that to happen again. Instead just say out loud or to yourself...YES, Yes, Yes...Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

When you see another's success be happy for them because they are reflecting YOU!

Nice shift in thinking, its also a major life changer cause we tend to judge even in our mind and that can really sabotage our life, it can curse it in a big way. What we think about others is just as important as what we say out loud when it concerns our state of being.

Do you know how I found out about the book, The Magic? Well I will tell you. I was on the appreciation forum posting "5 thank you's" when this man from INDIA, chimes in (It has instant chat) and says Hello. We begin to talk about where we are from and then he says, Have you read The Magic? and I said no..but I read all the others and liked them. He kept saying India is a very spiritual country. Of which I already knew because I love India, actually people think I am from India (maybe a birth mixup...don't know). I always get the head tingles when I put my hand on certain items from there. Love to touch their stuff.
Well the next day I receive an email that says I can choose a free book of choice due to an agreement being fulfilled. The rest is history...

I guess the point is...everything we need comes to us with perfect timing in order to help us grow spiritually. I am thankful for that knowledge.

"When the student is ready, the teacher appears."

"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 05-02-2012 at 07:16 AM.
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