Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 01-31-2012, 05:03 AM   #2929
Status: Blue Collar
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Re: Daily Bread

Believing is Seeing

Children believe everything they are told by adults. Our shadow beliefs, are instilled in us very early in life. They are usually self destructive patterns that follow us. Alot of them are suppressed. We don't even realize they are there, but the same circumstances in life keep developing around us in many different forms. These circumstances are there to teach us about our beliefs, and when they disappear or change, we know we have been successful in changing that pattern of thought.

To get the shadow beliefs to emerge, which is simply stated, our negative thought pattern. We need to ask them to emerge, ask God to show them to us. David displayed this act in Psalms. He asked God to search his heart, and he literally wrote his heart out so that all of his beliefs were there for everyone to see. His good side....and his dark side.

Once they emerge...and I promise they will. Write a positive statement counteracting that belief. Then say the positive statement over and over, daily, sing it outloud... even look into your own eyes while saying it... until you have replaced the negative with the positive. Its that simple. For a belief to set takes much repetition and visualization.

Life changes before your eyes. Don't believe me....Try it! See for yourself what happens.

The only limitations are the ones we set for ourselves. I am only sharing my personal experience with this process and how it has worked for me. Quite a large fence in my has been a difficult journey for me, but I am seeing such, beautiful, positive results. Especially this past year.

The experiment is going to consist of turning to complete thoughts of feeling good. That means I have to know what makes me feel good, I have to know me, and what brings joy to my heart. So definately won't work for anyone the same as me because everyone finds different things to bring personal joy. We are made that way for a special reason. So in the following days. I will attempt to on my joy and share as I go.

Also wanted to add...that I was talking several weeks ago about getting off my hump and finding a new project like a 5k to do for our little giving back group. Well the 5k came to me....the phone literally rang and a friend guys want to do a 5k with me. Ha!... So beautiful!

Of course we said ...YES!...its to benefit a nature conservation. The race will be through a very beautiful nature trail. I am so excited. Why did I share this...

BECAUSE a tangible result, usually just starts with an idea...and when we focus in on that idea. Alot of times if we pay will come to us and fall right in our laps. I love it when that happens.

I was mesmerized on Monday...completely!

Its Tantalizing... Tuesday!
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 01-31-2012 at 05:09 AM.
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