Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 01-28-2012, 07:49 AM   #2925
Status: Blue Collar
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Re: Daily Bread

Stopping to Appreciate the Flowers

All night in my dreams I wrestled a very large black anaconda. The wretched thing bit me several times, but now he is permanently out of commission...and I don't think he is going to ever bite anyone else....again.

When I awoke this morning I was given two was a picture of a group beating a dead horse. The other was a group looking at and appreciating a large garden of flowers.

Then I was shown the lesson in how this one group was so taken by the flowers that at first they didn't realize the flowers attracted new people focusing in on the same thing. When they took their attention off the beauty for one moment more beauty surrounded them in the eyes of new company.

What happened?...They first aligned with the flowers, then with each other. The flower was the object that got their attention in the beginning, but then they realized they were all in the scene together. It was at that moment they began to appreciate each other's presence, and they realized they were all in alignment with the flowers and each other.

On the other end of the spectrum those beating the dead horse, were also in alignment with the dead horse...and each other. I don't think I need to say anything else about the dead horse...I think its pretty clear at this point that is not where we want to focus our attention.

Then I was shown a scenerio like the one I encountered this week, that was full of darkness and abuse and I was shown to gently guide those that are affected by such trauma, gently to the flower garden. Help them get the weeds out...then teach them to plant new seeds that grow into something beautiful in the future.

Trauma is so shocking that we get stuck looking at that scene, for years sometimes. We constantly relive it in our minds over and over and over. I relived my past over and over and over. What happens is in doing so we continue to attract the same people and situations into our life creating this neverending destructive cycle of the same energy pattern but with different scenarios and different faces (many different faces) but the same energy pattern. Its like constantly standing in the crowd beating the dead horse.

But now I know, that I have the power turn around and join the crowd looking at the beautiful flowers.

The little children that have been hurt and even some big ones, don't know they have this power, sometimes we have to pull them out of the nightmare into the flower garden and show them the beauty that is inside them. Some of them have never heard or seen anything good in their lives, so they don't have the capacity to think in such a way.

God brings us these, you can always see them, because they look like you used to look. They are very easy to recognize. We will leave it at that level.

Its the same message here..just using different images and words...

His head is full of LIGHT...and He is surrounded by flowers...

Okay...Good Saturday!
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 01-28-2012 at 07:59 AM.
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