Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 01-24-2012, 07:55 AM   #2920
Status: Blue Collar
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Re: Daily Bread

The Dollar Bill Game

This is alot of fun, and it really blesses you and others in many ways.

When I was at Universal, I was sitting for a moment feeding this wild squirrel that happened to walk up near me hungry, when out of the corner of my eye I saw this guy throw down some money on the ground, directly in the path where the people walk to get on a certain ride.

I yelled, hey you dropped your money...He turns around and says..."shh..I know"! Shortly after that a group of guys walked through talking and laughing, one of them looked down, surprised, he picked up the money and held it up, looking for someone who may have dropped it...then he kept going!

It was nice to see the result of that special blessing!

My daughter and I do this with pennies, we have for years. You walk around putting pennies on heads in parking lots, know...places where people walk and will see them. Pick up a penny on heads and some believe it brings good luck. We never get to see them be picked up, but we find tons of them ourselves that someone else has strategically placed. I found one this weekend.

Well the dollar bill game is said to bring miracles into your life. I did this a few years ago, but haven't recently. I left mine in a cemetary on the ground in front of Statue of Christ, I thought anyone who comes here, is mourning the loss of a loved one, and when I am in mourning I always turn to God, so I thought surely someone will be upset and walk up to that statue searching for hope to be instilled in them, and find a dollar with an uplifting verse written on it.

When I got home that day, something very special happened. Its sacred, I don't publically talk about some things.

Playing the game uplifts others and you!, Anonymously.... IT's so Much FUN! You are supposed to be creative in putting the money in places for people to mysteriously find it. Write something beautiful and uplifting on the bill.

Its planting little thought seeds in the minds of others that grow into beautiful statements in there mind. You could simply write...YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!

Making myself a promise to do it 10 times this week.

So looking forward to it!

"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 01-24-2012 at 08:07 AM.
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