Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 01-23-2012, 06:16 AM   #2919
Status: Blue Collar
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Re: Daily Bread

It Is Written...

The HULK...Front ROW at Universal. The ride of my life. We were crying and laughing at the same time. I look over at one of the kids when it was over..her hair looked like the bride of was side blown and frozen in that shape. She looked at me with this look of disbelief..and burst into laughter. It was AMAZING.

Harry Potter Dragon Roller Coaster...INSANE~! That's the word a guy used to describe this ride to his wife who sat next to me. We experienced it together. It was a special moment. There are two sides...RED and Blue Dragons...we did both. Do both! Will put you in a good place.

Broomstick flying is amazing too. You feel just like your flying with Harry. and these SHADOW creatures surround you through the entire ride. Dragons, Spirits, Huge Spiders, .....

I have a horrible fear of heights, my legs get weak...facing those fears is an exhilerating experience.

I couldn't help but think about this as I was walking through the Harry Potter World addition to Universal. J K Rowlings barely had enough money to buy a cup of coffee when she wrote the first book. She used to sit in a coffee shop and write her heart out everyday, until she finished her masterpiece. People read the book..MILLIONS...and they loved it. I have a friend middle aged who has read them all and is a fanatic.

They believed...and through attraction was born. As I walked through the line to the Roller Coaster...TOUCHING all the walls, and the props I told my kids...Do you guys realize? This...all this ...was once in the mind of ONE woman who couldn't afford to buy a cup of coffee. She WROTE her Vision DOWN on paper and believed in her words. The guy who published her first book said, he felt an overwelming feeling to take on that particular manuscript and make it happen. Now we are sharing her world of Harry Potter.

The entire village is the Story, the people are in costume. Every detail she so beautifully took the time to write is in TANGIBLE form. You can touch it, walk through the middle of it, and experience her mind.

One of the kids said.."I never looked at it like that". We don't even think about it and connect the we? We just accept it as so and participate in the glory of it...some complaining, some being thankful....very few who actually..get its entirety..the whole package.

I GOT IT. So thankful for it...Its the most amazing gift anyone can ever receive, its an awareness, awakening of the spirit, a quickening inside you... that only God can give.

Good Day!
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 01-23-2012 at 06:29 AM.
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