Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 01-14-2012, 09:00 AM   #2906
Status: Blue Collar
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Re: Daily Bread

Let IT GO!

Happy Day! I made a 100...always love those moments of perfection, however short lived.

"Give a girl a fish and she eats for a day, Teach her to fish and she eats for a lifetime and feeds everyone else that crosses her path. No one goes hungry."

Yay...1000 60 minutes 58 seconds...calories... not people. We don't want to burn the peeps.

Last night this guy comes in the gym, he looks sad to me and so I focus in on him for a few moments. Sometimes God lets me see things in people that I can't quite explain, I get visions when I look at someone, its a gift. I immediately see his left ring finger..its missing...and I see the word Divorce in my mind. He is so sad, and I could feel his emotions..overwelmingly sad...and so in that moment I just start praying that he will be okay...He sat there for a long time trying to get into what seemed to be a better mood then, he really started working out heavy. I was so proud of him, and he didn't know it but he had a cheerleader there rooting him, chanting for him on every exercise.

The beautiful thing about God is that when He has something for you to do, to help others. He has a magical way of letting you see the results of that progress even if it hundreds of miles away. Its special and its beautiful and its special.

Seeing this guy brought out alot of thoughts in me about relationships and why sometimes it so hard to let go of something that doesn't work anymore. We are so habitual that we stay in situations that make us unhappy all because we think that is what we are supposed to do. That is tradition, but what I have learned is that when we change inside, the people in our lives also change..friends and family and that is ok, love them and let them go. I think sometimes spouses change together if its meant to be a forever thing, but there are instances where one changes and the other doesn't and doesn't want to.

I think in my case when I was younger I conformed to what someone wanted me to be. Its what kids do to gain acceptance in a situation where there is no acceptance or self worth, they only let the part of them out that is ok to be seen by whomever you are around in that moment.
And so when you mature, finally, you realize...I like who I am and I am going to express that person for the first time ever....and then you are rejected by the one person in world that is supposed to have your back. Its hurtful...and you step back a minute and say...Did I do the right thing in letting her out? She is completely lonely now because this expression of her personality doesn't have any reflections at the moment. The surrounding people in her life at this moment ...don't like her very much anymore, and therefore they turn away...and they don't visit anymore.

Then she realizes, it is right, it is honest, it is truthful regardless of the rejection because, before her life was a big lie, it was only there to please others, it was dishonest and she turned to food, drugs, binge drinking... anything to fill the void she felt in her soul ...that was supposed be filled with the joy in realizing herself and being true to that nature and to God.

Today she knows that when the right people come into her life it will be in honesty and she knows that though there are moments of loneliness..GOD always, always fills the void, with someone new and amazing. Someone who reflects the person she really is, and life becomes amazingly...PURE and BEAUTIFUL.

LET IN THE NEW. Its beautiful, and loving, and waiting for your unique presence just as you are waiting for those special people, they are also waiting for you in this very moment.

Isn't that a good feeling place to be in? I think so!
Beautiful SATURDAY! Its my rest day...
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 01-14-2012 at 09:13 AM.
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