Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 01-13-2012, 06:34 AM   #2905
Status: Blue Collar
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Re: Daily Bread

What comes first, thoughts or feelings?

Thoughts come first, feelings are vibrational indicators of what you are
thinking. I can control my feelings by changing my thoughts. Thoughts are just affirmations (statements) applied at the appropriate time.

The body is a servant to my thought process.

If I consistatantly say I AM...tired, I AM ...hungry, I NEED...a drink!

The body is going react in order to make the statement true more often than naturally required in order to meet brain requirements. It doesn't matter what it must do to please the commander and chief will just do order to make the statement true. Even get sick..and kill its on body cells...just to please the master.

Purify the mind and the body follows. As without. Think of positive statements and use visuals that make you happy. Do activities in life that bring you joy, forget what other people think, They have nothing to do with what you are thinking, they are only the energetic mirror of what you have been thinking in the past. LIKE attracts LIKE...unless of course LIKE is in disguise on purpose. That's a different story...back to subject.

That's why it so important to be myself because, if people only care about me for what I am pretending to be, they are really not my friends, they are only friends to what I have been projecting to be me... and inside I am unhappy because I am constantly trying to gain acceptance from outside myself. When I accept me for me, and love who I am, and respect who I am, regardless of who may not like me for that...I will begin to see new faces in my life that are attracted to the REAL ME and I to them based on new thoughts, based on being true to myself. Those are my real friends and I will be happy because I no longer have to pretend in order to gain acceptance. That's happiness and fullfillment, Its being true to myself and God and trusting that all the rest will be added.

Acceptance starts with me and ends with me. My thoughts are magnets to that end. Everything outside of thought is a mendable circumstance.

OH I have to share! I was in Dollar General last night, I kept remembering things I had to buy before I could go home. I run in there exhausted from the day. I had been thinking the whole time. I got to get this day ever going to end? Over and over...I was tired I am, how much I need a drink... and just to prop up my feet.

Well I get to the counter and there is a cashier there..She says.."I just want to go home"..and I tell her me too..She says but I can't leave until 11:50 because I don't have a car...someone has to come and pick me up. This girl works on her feet all day, does not have a car, and makes minimum wage. I thought to myself ...there is always someone worse off.

I met another girl who has 3 kids, works two jobs and just had her car repossessed.

I should buy them cars!

I am so thankful for my blessings. I have a great car...LOVE IT!
And I have my that! I have too many blessings to name and I am naming them ONE by ONE!

Good DaY!

I have a Test today, thankful for that!
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 01-13-2012 at 06:49 AM.
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