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Old 10-15-2002, 02:25 PM   #8
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Quote: Originally posted by Lady Valkyrie
<b>Just remember that I myself have experienced that if you explain with Bible scriptures as to why we Christian believe as we do some get "flamed"... yet people expect for you to back up what you believe with something and not just pull your beliefs out of your rear. and if Christians say that we believe as the Bible states that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Heavenly Father God, then people are "flamed"...but why should we deny what we believe in for the sake of political correctness? Some believe that there are "many paths to God" however that is not my belief and for the most part Christians in general don't believe that either... however there is the occassional exception to the rule. &nbsp;</b>
Lady V, of course you stand strong by your belief, I admire and respect that, just don't suggest that yours is the only way and that mine is not worthy.
No flaming intended here...but I STAND FIRM IN MY VIEWS too. From other conversations like this, it seems often there is a major fork in the road between those that believe by 'faith', and those that believe through 'experience' of God. I travel a path that includes the Christian mystics Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross and St. Francis, along with Emerson and others (IMHO) that bear the insight of being touched by Divine Presence.
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