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Old 11-03-2004, 11:34 PM   #43
Higher_Desire's Avatar
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Quote: (Originally Posted by Hellboy) For all of you Swedes, Canadians, and other non-Americans denouncing us and our President... go to hell. I know that your hate only stems from jelousy and the fact that you don't live in the greatest country in the world. I have a problem with the way your governments function, but I keep my mouth shut. I am secure with my government and have great faith in my leader, and I am sorry that you do not.

Running a country is not about a popularity contest with the rest of the world. It is about looking out for the best interest of the country. Bush understands this and John Kerry does not.
Quote: (Originally Posted by RMadd) i'm still in disbelief that people cling so lifelessly to Moore's "preaching"... I think it was Al who said it's preposterous. based on this, I refuse to see it. i will most certainly not pay for it. and while one might say it's because we're just ignorant conservatives, disinterested in expanding our horizons, i like to think of it as more of having a good nose for bullshit.
I usually like you Lith, but, seriously, to understand us, you have to walk a mile in our shoes. living nearly 1/2 a world away does not fall under that category. i'm sorry.
and i'll say it again: bush didn't mess up the economy. i remember, just over 4 years ago, on the campaign trail, he was saying we needed to be prepared for an economic recession. 9/11 only worsened that. and, much like the great depression, when one globally significant economy tanks, just about every other one does.
Amen my brothas! Well said.


Today I'm gonna try a little harder
Gonna make every minute last longer
Gonna learn to forgive and forget
'Cause we don't have long
Gonna make the most of it

Today I'm gonna love my enemies
Reach out to somebody who needs me
Make a change, make the world a better place
'Cause tomorrow could be one day too late

--lyrics from "One Day Too Late" by Skillet
from their new album "Awake"
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