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Old 11-03-2004, 10:57 PM   #42
Status: Found The Real
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Quote: (Originally Posted by Higher_Desire) I highly doubt Iraq never killed American's before. In fact, they've killed many people from all over the world. Might I also add, that if Bush's daddy did more to Saddam when he had the chance than give him a slap on the wrist, we wouldn't be over there today.
and i know a commonly known fact about G-Dub's papa... he was almost too liberal for the Republican party, and it wasn't much of a shame when he wasn't reelected in '92.
i'm still in disbelief that people cling so lifelessly to Moore's "preaching"... I think it was Al who said it's preposterous. based on this, I refuse to see it. i will most certainly not pay for it. and while one might say it's because we're just ignorant conservatives, disinterested in expanding our horizons, i like to think of it as more of having a good nose for bullshit.
I usually like you Lith, but, seriously, to understand us, you have to walk a mile in our shoes. living nearly 1/2 a world away does not fall under that category. i'm sorry.
and i'll say it again: bush didn't mess up the economy. i remember, just over 4 years ago, on the campaign trail, he was saying we needed to be prepared for an economic recession. 9/11 only worsened that. and, much like the great depression, when one globally significant economy tanks, just about every other one does.

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