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Old 11-03-2004, 10:21 PM   #39
Torn Daredevil
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Quote: (Originally Posted by The Lithium) I agree with Dogstar! And Bush HAVE tried installed fear in you and the rest of the world!

Have you guys even watched Farenhait 9/11?

Uh, yeah Lithium. I am about as Republican as one can be, and I have seen the film (but made sure I didn't pay to see it ). It was a great piece of manipulative filmmaking/propaganda. Michael Moore has a history of not telling the complete truth and really stretching the facts, and does so in a huge way in this film. To call this movie a documentary is to ruin the name of documentaries. It is presented with such a large slant and ignores so many facts, it's pathetic.

And for you to say that most of the youth in your country demonstrated against Bush "for starting the war in Iraq," that's really stupid bullshit. The President did what he had to to protect our country. Iraq was a threat to us, and Hussein being in power gave terrorists worlwide a sense of free reign. How old are you, 16? So many kids, even some in our great country, are so easily swayed without knowing all of the facts and just "go with the flow." It's a really sad, liberal mindset.

For all of you Swedes, Canadians, and other non-Americans denouncing us and our President... go to hell. I know that your hate only stems from jelousy and the fact that you don't live in the greatest country in the world. I have a problem with the way your governments function, but I keep my mouth shut. I am secure with my government and have great faith in my leader, and I am sorry that you do not.

Running a country is not about a popularity contest with the rest of the world. It is about looking out for the best interest of the country. Bush understands this and John Kerry does not.

Foreigners who don't know what they're talking about
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