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Old 09-16-2003, 02:25 AM   #40
Status: Naked Toddler
Posts: 226
Joined: Apr 2003
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Calling people blind and wussy's is putting yourself higher than them. "You are blind and I am not". That is a derogatory statement. You are making yourself superior to them. I'm not looking for an apology so please don't give one. Just please realize the next 5 years of your life are going to be the most emotionally challenging you've ever experienced. You will NOT come out the same person. You might have the same beliefs, but you won't be the same person. To think other wise is foolish. Do you not think God wants you to grow? You are 17 years old(I'm not all to much older). This is the pride I'm talking about... these are two things you have said.

"we(Christians) know we are going Home soon."

"receive him and if you dont,well then Hell is waiting for ya."

You don't know anything. You don't know where you are going after you die and you don't know where I'm going after I die. The only way to get into heaven according to Christianity is through God's grace. You aren't guranteed anything. You can say a little prayer and prayer everyday and lead a good life but that doesn't mean anything. For someone who claims to not have any answers, you certainly do have some strong opinions on things.

If I could just ask one thing of you, keep an open mind. Learn as much about Christianity and other religions as possible. I'm going to guess the reason you became a Christian is because of your parents or some other type of close person in your life. That's how the majority of people choose their religion initially. If by some other way, than great. Don't ever close your mind off to other possibilities, you will cheat yourself out of learning. You will always grow more out of adversity than out of peaceful times. Take care...
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