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Steve 03-11-2004 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by SCOTTSMYMAN
I just finished reading everyone's thoughts on this issue and I only have one question.
What difference does it make to all of you who opposed to same sex marriages? Does it personally affect you at all? Do this people come into your homes and interact with you personally? What difference does it make if they can get married? I'm with Lech on this(Never thought I would say that!!) Let them get married!!!! Some of these couples have been together for years and years. They love they same way we do so, please people get off your high horses about the whole religious aspect of it. We don't know exactly what GOD was thinking! Were you all there when he said what you are all claiming he said about homosexuality!!! Yes, I understand it is written that it is wrong but times have changed and so has society. I think this issue is soo stupid. There are soo many other more important issues that should be being addressed than this! Let them get married because they aren't hurting me in anyway! That's my :2cents: and now I'm done!

Do you support removing the word "God" from the Pledge of Allegiance? Do you support removing any instance of Christmas from public schools (i.e. no Christmas break, only "winter break", no christmas trees in the schools, etc.)? I for one am against both of these issues, and those don't affect me personally. It's the tradition that is being ruined here. That is my whole point.

Lechium 03-11-2004 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Steve
Do you support removing the word "God" from the Pledge of Allegiance? Do you support removing any instance of Christmas from public schools (i.e. no Christmas break, only "winter break", no christmas trees in the schools, etc.)? I for one am against both of these issues, and those don't affect me personally. It's the tradition that is being ruined here. That is my whole point.

Here's the thing -- word Chistmas break does not affect anyone in a bad way. It is a tradition that is harmless. Legalized gay bashing is an obsolite and closeminded tradition.

Having traditions is nice, but not all of them are good and fit for mordern day, so some should defenetly be getting rid of, because hurting others just so people like you would say "man at least we still have our traditions!" is plain dumb.

P.S. Women not having right to vote was a tradiion for longest time, and yet people did get rid of it... 'no gay marriges law' is in the same category as 'no women voting' law.

SCOTTSMYMAN 03-11-2004 11:25 AM

I am against those issues as well but I don't feel like the TRADITION of marriage is being jeopardized here! I just think it's like any other marriage. They love the same as we do and IMO I don't think that there is anything wrong with them wanting to legalize their unions they way that man and woman do! In some states it's ok for same sex adoptions but not same sex marriages! I just don't get the logic in that! (OH GOD, I hope I didn't open a can of worms with the adoption issue too!!)

RMadd 03-11-2004 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by SCOTTSMYMAN
What difference does it make to all of you who opposed to same sex marriages? Does it personally affect you at all? Do this people come into your homes and interact with you personally? What difference does it make if they can get married? I'm with Lech on this(Never thought I would say that!!) Let them get married!!!! Some of these couples have been together for years and years. They love they same way we do so, please people get off your high horses about the whole religious aspect of it. We don't know exactly what GOD was thinking! Were you all there when he said what you are all claiming he said about homosexuality!!! Yes, I understand it is written that it is wrong but times have changed and so has society. I think this issue is soo stupid. There are soo many other more important issues that should be being addressed than this! Let them get married because they aren't hurting me in anyway! That's my :2cents: and now I'm done!

I'll admit that it doesn't personally affect me. But there are those of us who have morals on certain issues and adhere to them. And what do you mean we don't know what God was thinking? Um, the Bible says homosexuality is wrong. And while, technically, it was written by other people, the Bible, to paraphrase a verse (whose location I do not recall), "is God-breathed". Plus, why would He create opposite sexes if He felt homosexuality were okay? Where's the purpose in that? Why not, instead, just create a race of beings with both penises and vaginas and allow them to recreate with anyone and themselves. Wouldn't that be more "efficient"? And there are those of us who believe that the ways in which society has changed over time are very detrimental to humanity. Prevalence of drugs, I'm sure many people would agree, is a bad change we've had in recent years. Terrorism has become especially prevalent and more noticed in recent years, and there's only a very very very small handful of people in this world that would argue it's necessary. IMO, "times change" is just a cliche used by people without really understanding the effects of these changes. Of course, with people complaining about overpopulation, maybe we should legalize homosexuality.

RMadd 03-11-2004 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by SCOTTSMYMAN
They love the same as we do

depends on what you mean by "love".... if you mean "making love", then I, for obvious reasons, would be able to argue against what you're saying... I, however, suspect, you meant otherwise, so i won't attempt to do so... but i just wanted to point that out

SCOTTSMYMAN 03-11-2004 01:17 PM

I think you know what I mean by "LOVE". It has nothing to do with sex!! You have your points and I have mine. Let's just agree to disagree!

Lechium 03-11-2004 02:46 PM

Bear, Bear... what an ignorant post...

You simply cannot acept things going againt YOUR ideals, everyone has to think and act like you, right? Look, you grew up with biblieacal ideals so they are natural for you, but others grw up with other ideals, and for them other things are natural, and why should they be foreced into same way of thinking than you? What kind of 'land of the free' is this if everyone has to obey the tings said in an old religious book?!


Originally Posted by BearFan
Terrorism has become especially prevalent and more noticed in recent years,

Terrorism has been an issue empires/superpowers has been facing for thousands of years. You probably did not notice, but Rome, England, Russia and US had terrorism problems in their past. There has been one major terrorist act in US in about 10 years, and you talk how prelevant terrorism has become... wtf? Think for yourself just for once, dont let bullshit media pushes on you cloud yoru judgement.


Originally Posted by BearFan
Of course, with people complaining about overpopulation, maybe we should legalize homosexuality.

ummm is is illegal now? I did not know that....

Steve 03-11-2004 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Lechium
You simply cannot acept things going againt YOUR ideals, everyone has to think and act like you, right? Look, you grew up with biblieacal ideals so they are natural for you, but others grw up with other ideals, and for them other things are natural, and why should they be foreced into same way of thinking than you?

Again I ask, then why should I be forced to accept changing the Pledge of Allegiance because the word "God" in the words offends someone? So must we change any and everything to cater to everyone's different feelings? The line has to be drawn somewhere...

JulieCitySlicker 03-11-2004 04:51 PM

I agree with Steve :)

SCOTTSMYMAN 03-11-2004 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Steve
Again I ask, then why should I be forced to accept changing the Pledge of Allegiance because the word "God" in the words offends someone? So must we change any and everything to cater to everyone's different feelings? The line has to be drawn somewhere...

You say we shouldn't change The Pleged of Allegiance just because it may offend a few people. I get that so, why can't these people be able to get married!? Just because it may offend a few people!? Yes, it might offend you and other people but for some of us it's not offending. Like I said before, it doesn't affect you in generally so what's the big DEAL!!!????

Steve 03-11-2004 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by SCOTTSMYMAN
I get that so, why can't these people be able to get married!? Just because it may offend a few people!?

Well it doesn't just offend a few people. National polls show that over 50% of the country are against same-sex marriages. Some polls even show 60+%. And these polls are found in both conservative and liberal media outlets. That's not just a "few people."


Originally Posted by SCOTTSMYMAN
Like I said before, it doesn't affect you in generally so what's the big DEAL!!!????

So any law that doesn't generally affect me I should simply ignore?

SCOTTSMYMAN 03-11-2004 05:43 PM

That's not what I'm saying. I'm tired of all this already, because you are not going to change my mind and I'm not gonna change yours. Like I said in a different post let's just agree to disagree.

Originally Posted by Steve
Well it doesn't just offend a few people. National polls show that over 50% of the country are against same-sex marriages. Some polls even show 60+%. And these polls are found in both conservative and liberal media outlets. That's not just a "few people."

I'm sure if there was a poll for The Pledge of Alligence debate the numbers would probably be the same but......

Dogstar 03-11-2004 05:50 PM

Like it or not, this country is populated by more than just white, heterosexual males and females. Back in the days of overt racism, I'm sure there were plenty polls saying black people shouldn't vote or have the same rights as white people. What's especially galling, is that white people brought black people here against their will and then white people have the nerve to b*tch when black people want what white people want. This is the same attitude whites used to have when black people moved into their areas, that they were "ruining the neighborhood." You won't ever have a homogenous society here, and I don't see why on earth people can't practice their traditions and let others who have different ones practice theirs.

RMadd 03-11-2004 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Dogstar
and I don't see why on earth people can't practice their traditions and let others who have different ones practice theirs.

in one word, "morals"... we are morally opposed to such unions, and i would imagine most of that comes from religion (i'm thinking the major denominations of christianity don't support homosexuality... those that do are sellouts, giving up beliefs to become more mainstream rather than hold on to their convictions regardless of what society, as a whole, thinks)

Dogstar 03-11-2004 06:35 PM


those that do are sellouts, giving up beliefs to become more mainstream rather than hold on to their convictions regardless of what society, as a whole, thinks)
I wholeheartedly disagree that this is a morals issue. That's YOUR opinion, not mine. And that last statement about sellouts is yet another slap in the face to anyone who is different from you.

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