Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 02-07-2012, 04:43 AM   #2938
Status: Blue Collar
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Re: Daily Bread

Already There!

Think about what it means to already be somewhere you want to go. Think about what it feels like to already have accomplished a goal. The state of being that expresses that particular moment in time, is what I want to feel before something comes to pass in order to bring it into reality. When I do this...I align with it and It must come to pass. The tricky part is getting into the feeling. Its much like pretending its real before its real. I have to float from one good thought feeling to the next for about 2 minutes.

I have to have a very good vision of what it is that I want to become tangible. The more specific the details the better. A CLEAR vision.

This can be done with cut out pictures, words written down in a notebook or journal. Anything that will help me get a clear, specific vision of what it is.

"IMAGES....created He them."

He spoke the earth into being from complete darkness (void, nothingness)...and created man in His own IMAGE. (likeness)

You ever think about what kind of images we see in a day, and how those images birth new ones in our mind as a collective society of people creating daily. You turn on the news...and the images and stories there are depressing, negative...horrible images of what man has become. What television shows our children are watching, what kind of images are they viewing, what kind of goals are they creating from those moments of inspiration? What kind of thoughts are being planted in their minds?

My child told me yesterday that she can't find anyone at school who doesn't use foul language and talk about bad things. She said, I want a friend that is like me but I can't find one, she is kind of sad and feels lonely, she needs a buddy. All I could think to tell her, is there is someone out there that will make her a very good friend who feels just like she does. The test comes when she has to maintain who she is, in the face of negativity and in the face of indifference, which is not an easy task when you want to fit in with the crowd. Especially at the age of 12. I try to teach her that if someone chooses to use ugly language let them maintain their space, and you maintain yours. Respect their wishes to choose, and demand respect for your choices. Don't bend to please you and love them for being them. We all have our own personal space and choices to maintain. Don't let anyone get in your bubble, and you don't get in theirs.

What I was trying to do, was to give her a vision of that perfect, best buddy that she is wanting to meet. What is she looking for in this special friend? So I said we need to think about what she likes to do, what things in life she likes to support, what brings her joy. Then we will find a group of people who are doing those things...and she will find a friend there. Someone who cares about the same things she does. And....Sometimes new students just appear out of the blue in class, and there is her new friend...God just so happened to send her way. Most of the time the new friend is looking for someone as well. The energy they both exude draws them together. Its a beautiful occurance. Love it when things like that happen.

On the flip side there are new channels being born everyday...those that are amplifying truth and goodness in our society. I find that there are alot of good people, doing great things in our world. We simply need to put them in the spotlight.

I BELIEVE its going to be a better day, today!

"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 02-07-2012 at 04:50 AM.
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