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Old 08-16-2006, 12:40 AM   #8
Lunar Shadow
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Re: Sam Harris: An Atheist Maifesto

Quote: (Originally Posted by metalchris25) Occums Razor? So you would rather do things the simplest way rather than put some work into it? I was respecting that post till you got to that part. If my understanding of the razor is wrong, please disregard this post.

no its the less elaborate answer tends to be the most correct because there are exponetually less failure points (which religion in general has many) now I am not gonna sit here and claim that Atheism is problem free (it isn't) but it has far less failure points tha any religion I have come across let alone there is nothing in Atheism that is recycled from another belief or disbelief.(i.e. the story of jesus, or any other religious figure head)

the problems in Atheism can be fixed when we learn the in's and out's of the workings of the universe or even Abiogenesis and science is on its way to doing so. The evolution of human understanding is limitless and unanswered questions are being answered all the time you just have to pay attention. One big thin I have learned is that Understanding isn't reached by asking questions but rather asking the right question the right way because most people don't even realize that most of the questions they ask are loaded with a presuumed answer just because of the way it is asked. this is probably the most common but hardest intellectual fallacy to spot.
Lunar Shadow
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