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Old 08-15-2006, 10:22 PM   #6
Lunar Shadow
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Re: Sam Harris: An Atheist Maifesto

Quote: (Originally Posted by SecretWeapon) Starting threads like this in a religion forum is like walking into a buddhist
monastary a saying "f**k Buddha". Exactly what type of response does
an atheist expect from this type of action? Why do you have to try to mess
everyone else up just to feel powerful, and then accuse religion of atrocity?

I have a question for you Secret Weapon. When did you actually decide that god exsisted? I am willing to bet most people on this board never made a decision in that regard because their parents made it for them. Be honest, because we are men of honor and there is nothing greater than a mans word if a man can not be trusted on his word then that man is of no use.

This is a Faith and Religion section, in that regard me being an Atheist ((a)meaning with out (theist) meaning belief in god) is that it is a philisophical stand point I have taken much like a buddist is an Atheist but they are seen as a belief system. This is not a Christian board true many of the members of the baord are christian doen't mean that you get the run of the place. There are Atheists, Agnostics, Christians, Catholics, Muslims, and many more on this baord who have just as much right to voice their opinion... so I am exercising my right as a member of this board.

the point of posting this since I am sure you couldn't figure it out, is to acutally look and think about some of the rediculous things that people believe, and the atrocities that they carry out in the name of that belief. So before hoping on some band wagon you should think long and hard about weather you are wasting your life in what ever you do. the easiest way to do this is to use Occums Razor. if you don't know what it is then google it.
Lunar Shadow
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