Thread: Post for Peace
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Old 11-15-2002, 10:44 AM   #4
Status: INK'ed
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I struggle with feeling peace. The reason I have a difficult time achieving this feeling is because of all in this world that is so un-peaceful. There is just so much intense human and animal suffering going on all the time, every second, and it's so bad, that I just have a hard time feeling peace. I know people say that you can't dwell on those thoughts or you'll go crazy, and they're right, but for me it's easier said than done. I have just always been a very sensitive, compassionate person who feels others' pain, not just my own. And although I know being a very caring person is admirable, sometimes I wish I didn't care. It seems like things would be a lot easier.
"The question is not, can they reason? Nor, can they talk? But, can they suffer?"
~ Jeremy Bentham

No, Marcos, thank YOU!
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