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Old 12-28-2005, 12:22 AM   #64
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Re: Who Would You Like to See Run in 2008?

Quote: (Originally Posted by Ana4Stapp) You know US has a lot of other methods to use instead of war...You know that...

Also, no one here is defending Saddam Hussein, but you need stop putting Bush as the good guy. Hes not.

We used diplomacy for ten plus years with Saddam Hussein. That didn't stop mass murders. That didn't stop him from funding terrorists in Palestine. That didn't stop him from threatening Israel. That didn't stop him from breaking 16 U.N. weapons resolutions. That's like asking Adolf Hitler to stop his anti-Semitic genocidal policies. Some guys don't respond to diplomacy, to sanctions, or to U.N. resolutions.

Also... if no one is defending Saddam Hussein... why is Bush the one that is constantly condemned by you guys for putting that mass murdering tyrant out of power? It almost seems like you guys are distraught at the fact that Hussein isn't allowed to continue his acts that have brought him the nickname "the Butcher of Baghdad." You know... a lot of good has come from the war in Iraq. My best friend is currently serving in Afghanistan... and soon Iraq. Other friends of mine are in Iraq. I talk to them constantly and get their opinions of the situtation. I opt to take the words of people who are actually there... rather than some distorted anti-American, foreign rhetoric.

You tell me what other methods will stop Al Qaeda (and other Islamo-fascists) from blowing up weddings, shopping malls, schools, and neighborhoods. You tell me what will convince Osama bin Laden or Al-Zarqawi to stop ordering the executions of innocent humanitarian aid workers. If war isn't the way... then please educate the governments of the United States, Great Britain, Australia, Italy, Russia, Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. Bill Clinton tried to turn a blind eye to Al Qaeda... and as a result we got multiple embassy bombings, the first World Trade Center bombing, and the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole.
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