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Old 02-13-2004, 10:43 PM   #31
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Quote: (Originally Posted by BearFan) What??????????? You gotta be shittin' me!
Bush and his administration made his decisions based on intelligence both from our CIA and from other intelligence sources worldwide, if I'm not mistaken.
The economy is not linked to the president! The economy runs in freakin' cycles! We've had many recessions and booms and all since it began. And guess what: I remember when Bush was campaigning for president, one of his stances was being prepared for the coming recession (whose severity was only compounded by September 11); I don't recall anything from Gore at the time. That says to me that Bush has people in his administration that understand how the economy works.
I'm pretty sure Bush is also trying to get help for Africans infected with AIDS.
Additionally, the United States has been despised worldwide for many years. Our global popularity has plummeted since the end of World War II. It certainly is not Bush that has destroyed our reputation. If I can point to any one thing that may've harmed this the most in the past, it's probably Vietnam (before we entered). Your assessment of global opinion of Clinton vs. that of Bush is "slightly" skewed.
But I do apolgize for any party-bashing that I may have done.

You're quickly becoming a moron on my rapidly growing list... Where to begin...

1. Bush made his decisions based NOT upon intelligence, but upon his own ill-fated preconceived notions that he was sent by God to destroy Hussein for trying to kill his daddy. Bush, as O'Neill proves, was planning to invade Iraq with preemptive strikes LONG before he even began gathering intelligence. Secondly, the fact that Bush ousted Saddam is not the most telling point in this debate. It is, however, the fact that Bush deceived the American people on multiple occasions, playing to their emotions and linking Hussein to 9/11. On top of all this, he abandoned what should have been the true target in the war on terror: bin Laden. Was Saddam a bad person? Of course. However, Bush's deceit, lies, and rampant corruption are the problem.

2. Yes, the economy runs in "freakin' cycles." However, it is up to the President and his advisors to alter the circle. Bush's tax cuts for the rich did nothing to stimulate the economy. His massive and fiscally irresponsible budget will do nothing but plummet the country into further debt. Keep in mind, the degree to which either success or failure of these cycles is reached depends on the President. Clinton turned the nation's worst budget deficit into the highest surplus. Bush has destroyed the surplus by giving tax breaks to the wealthiest one percent while cutting benefits to other groups, such as veterans. Bush has people in his inner circle that understand how the economy can benefit their friends, not the country.

3. Bush, as every other politician does, has stated that he wants to help people with AIDS in Africa. There is no action, simply talk.

4. Our "global popularity" going downhill was not a product of World War II. It was achieved in too many ways to number. From our insatiable lust for wealth and material goods in the 80s to our support of Israel against Palestine. There are far too many reasons and not nearly enough time to explain why everyone hates the US. Yes, the Vietnam War was a downside, but not the only problem. Bush on the other hand, has destroyed many relations with countries around the world. His "coalition of the willing" turned into Canada, Britain, and Israel... kinda. Compare this to the Gulf War, where his father had reasonable cause to attack and the differences are staggering. Bush has alienated the country from many allies and the lack of WMD only prove his motives.

5. "TIGHTER CONTROLS OF THE BORDER" ? What in the hell? Bush is opening the borders you moron. The color code is a disgrace to America, belittling our intelligence to a preschool color lesson. If homeland security is such a success... where are the WMD? Or bin Laden? or his top officials? Why is North Korea not the problem with nukes? If Saddam was 'duped' by his scientists, then they 'duped' the President, too.
"Nineteen hundred and forty-six. Nineteen forty-six, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works."
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