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Xterminator27 08-19-2003 12:02 AM

How was the Earth made? God or Gravity?
which do you belive happed in the creation of the earth?




Me id say GRAVITY because it happens all teh time and thats how planets are made.
what are your thoughts?

ZION1010 08-19-2003 04:25 PM

God Is our Creator of Everything Even gravity My Friend Jesus is Lord and Loves Us All

JulieCitySlicker 08-19-2003 05:21 PM

Now that was a no brainer:rolleyes: God made everything:angel:

Torn Signs 08-19-2003 06:37 PM

W/o causing argument, God.

ZION1010 08-19-2003 10:42 PM

[quote]Originally posted by JulieLovesCreed
Now that was a no brainer:rolleyes: God made everything:angel: [/QUOTE Yea It pretty Much Is a no Brainer I Think god that You do belive But to EXTermanter27 It Was Not A No Brainer To Him God Bless You

JulieCitySlicker 08-19-2003 10:52 PM

Didn't mean nuffin by the rolleyes:angel: Just felt like being a smart alec:D

SCOTTSMYMAN 08-21-2003 02:45 PM

Have to agree wIth you Julie. No brainer, it was God!

bgivens33 08-21-2003 03:02 PM

Well... if that's a no brainer, then how about this one.... Did God create the earth using gravity, or did he just create it? (i.e. theist evolution or YE Creation)

JulieCitySlicker 08-21-2003 03:06 PM

I believe He just created it:angel: I also think evolution is horse crap;) We were made in Gods immage not some stupid monkey:bounce:

bgivens33 08-22-2003 01:10 AM

You believe that he created the earth in 6, 24 hour, days?

MrSeeker 08-22-2003 01:51 AM

This stupid,we all know God created the world in 7 days,dont we?

mel!ssa 08-22-2003 02:23 AM

No, we don't 'know'. How could we possibly know for sure unless God said in his word 'I created the earth in six blocks of twenty-four hours (hours consisting of 60 seconds each etc)..." God invented time, humans invented a way to keep track (which changed a few times). "One day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day" 2 Peter 3:8. God doesn't run on our time.

MrSeeker 08-22-2003 02:30 AM

The Bible does say it took 7 days though.

mel!ssa 08-22-2003 02:52 AM

7 of God's days. No-one knows how much that really is. Could be thousands of years for all we know, and there's no reason why it couldn't be.

Lechium 08-23-2003 10:37 PM

Molten rock.
Actually it was a gas clout that had cooled down solidified.
Now maybe god did creat the that cloud, dunno and dont care, butit was never like "boom here's a planet for ya".

myownprison382 08-26-2003 10:52 AM


Originally posted by JulieLovesCreed
I believe He just created it:angel:  I also think evolution is horse crap;) We were made in Gods immage not some stupid monkey:bounce: (I included this one because you seemed to be saying you believed YE creationism)

I don't understand why belief in God precludes a belief in scientific rigor.

But anyway, I was always taught that God values humility. What's more humbling than knowing that your planet wasn't created specially for you, that it's one of many, that God just happened to let you be formed that way, and besides that you have "stupid monkey[s]" and whatever else as (extremely distant) relatives?

JulieCitySlicker 08-26-2003 05:04 PM


Originally posted by myownprison382
<b> (I included this one because you seemed to be saying you believed YE creationism)

I don't understand why belief in God precludes a belief in scientific rigor.

But anyway, I was always taught that God values humility. &nbsp;What's more humbling than knowing that your planet wasn't created specially for you, that it's one of many, that God just happened to let you be formed that way, and besides that you have "stupid monkey[s]" and whatever else as (extremely distant) relatives? </b>

:rolleyes: Ya...whatever

Xterminator27 08-27-2003 12:09 PM

anywhoowy i wuz gona say this in my other thread, but it mysteriously dissapeared so im gona say it here

Cristianity is i have no idea. Its unorganized, and one side of them says this is rightand balab lab
bla, and the otehr side says that is wright, bla blsbla. The school and the church are both cristian
but say different stuff, all christans have different belives. FOR EXAMPLE/

As sson as i get in high scool everyones opionion changes!
BEfore it was, Jesus walked teh earth, the planet was made for people, we are in gods form. God
made us. And i belived that cuz its what i was told.
THEN i hit highschool and science class is proving all tehse wronmg, and my religion teachers are
Humans evolved from microsopic maggots, God creatwed the universe but in itself the universe
created us. ABl bLAB LA BLA
And so there both fucking up my mind.

Even half of them dont even belive in God and have otehr ideas of the religion stuff.


the truth is (that i see), ITS WHATEVER YOU WANT IT TO BE.
If you want it to be God created man s here jesus was sent down by him, he made humans in hsi
own image, than its that.

If its, humans eveolved from termites, the aliens are gna kill us all, we are made out of 23
elements and you can artifically make humans bla bla bla. Then its THAT

If its, God dosent exist, that science stuff is wrong, were ust here for no reason there is no
explinaion THAN ITS THAT.

It is the belife of whatever you want to belive, as long as it makes you happier and helps you in
times where you need the help, and if it makes you a better person Then How could any of the
choices be wrong?


Thats the thing, the mai nword is BELIVE, what YOU belive what HE belives what THEY belive, None wrong, it all depends on whos opinion your looking at, and what so or so has been tought or raised or firgured to his own general ideas.

So when someone says, GOD never existsed bla bla bla, you shouldnt say "yha whatever"
Cuz when you think God made the earth for humans bla bla bla, other may think differently (not saying that i do)

The REAL answer is, WHat IS God? Is he a big guy in teh clouds. Is the the prinible and rules for all nature and science? If you take the last idea, then yes techincally he DID created man and he DID make the earth. Is he a medaphore for wright or wrong and the basic rules we have on punishment and guilt? He can be all of these and none. ALso mayby God IS ourselves, and how we correspond with each otehr and act and such, mayby thats is why they say he was made in our image.


The Lithium 08-27-2003 03:02 PM

Haha, what a question. Well, of course "the space" made it! God is just drivel!

The Lithium 08-27-2003 03:23 PM

Shit, I don't believe it...What makes you guys think that God made it? Don't get mad on me it's just a question.

I think that the Buddism is pretty intresting...That's the colosest thing to me.
I've readed the bible and I've readed very much about region.

But I like Budda most. Almost every war is about region. To destroy the other religon. But Budda is like every religon has a right to say what it's about, 'cause you learn from eatch other.

mel!ssa 08-28-2003 02:01 AM

That's nice. Ever looked into the religions that absolutely never ever fight in wars?

bgivens33 08-28-2003 02:17 AM


Originally posted by extreme_LITHIUM
Almost every war is about region. &nbsp;


Let's just look at American history.

Revolutionary War - One could make the argument that it's about religion, but I don't think that was the main reason

War of 1812 - No

Civil War - No

World War I - No

World War II - You could make the argument that it was about religion but it's really wasn't. It was more about power and greed.

Korean War - No

Vietnam - Most definately Not

Gulf War I - that's a bit iffy, I still believe the war would have happened if you threw religion out the window.

Gulf War II - Yes.

mel!ssa 08-29-2003 01:11 AM

Iraq war? :dunno: i'm assuming no....

but many wars are about religion, not most, but an awful lot considering these people say murder is wrong... :rolleyes:

creedfan47a 09-12-2003 11:34 PM


Originally posted by mel!ssa
<b>... six blocks of twenty-four hours (hours consisting of 60 seconds each etc)..." &nbsp;</b>

I think you mean MINUTES darling. :D

MrSeeker 09-13-2003 01:36 AM

You guys are sooo blind,hahaha,it cracks me up.
Christianity is the hardest to follow and most people cant do it, because its all about letting go of your pride and giving up yourself,which most of you are too much of wussys to do it. Face it,you all want the easy way out. You think you can just go with the religion that you like,it doesnt work like that and it never will.
No God,No peace; Us humans are so freaking blind and stupid,hahaha. "I dont want to believe in a god because then...then i couldnt do what i want and i would have to follow and obey God" well,boo hoo for you,you bunch of wussy's,
just trying to get by,so sad. When will we learn....

mel!ssa 09-13-2003 08:27 AM

Well, that was unnecessary.

Just who exactly are you talking to Seeker? Did you have a bad day or something?

ZION1010 09-13-2003 03:43 PM


Originally posted by MrSeeker
<b>You guys are sooo blind,hahaha,it cracks me up. &nbsp;
Christianity is the hardest to follow and most people cant do it, because its all about letting go of your pride and giving up yourself,which most of you are too much of wussys to do it. Face it,you all want the easy way out. You think you can just go with the religion that you like,it doesnt work like that and it never will.
No God,No peace; Us humans are so freaking blind and stupid,hahaha. "I dont want to believe in a god because then...then i couldnt do what i want and i would have to follow and obey God" well,boo hoo for you,you bunch of wussy's,
just trying to get by,so sad. When will we learn.... </b>


MrSeeker 09-14-2003 02:53 AM

Thanks Zion!!! : )
I was talking to everybody that thinks they can just find a reilgion and go with it,just because its the easy way out. I wasnt having a bad day,i was just saying like it is. Like it or not.
"Unlike the folks who hide the truth,I tell it like it is!!!"

ZION1010 09-14-2003 10:32 AM

Thats Right mrseeker Sometimes the truth Does Hurt.... I Know You Were Not Having A Bad Day.....that was a good little song by the way....May Gods Peace Bring you Stregnth....My brother...t.c.o.y. now

MrSeeker 09-14-2003 05:03 PM

Thats from "Freedom Fighter".
God bless ya

ZION1010 09-14-2003 06:55 PM


Originally posted by MrSeeker
<b>Thats from "Freedom Fighter".
God bless ya </b>

I Know...

bgivens33 09-15-2003 03:09 PM


Originally posted by MrSeeker
<b>You guys are sooo blind,hahaha,it cracks me up. &nbsp;
Christianity is the hardest to follow and most people cant do it, because its all about letting go of your pride and giving up yourself,which most of you are too much of wussys to do it. Face it,you all want the easy way out. You think you can just go with the religion that you like,it doesnt work like that and it never will.
No God,No peace; Us humans are so freaking blind and stupid,hahaha. "I dont want to believe in a god because then...then i couldnt do what i want and i would have to follow and obey God" well,boo hoo for you,you bunch of wussy's,
just trying to get by,so sad. When will we learn.... </b>

Oh my! You have convinced me!! You've got all the answers it seems. Most people try to "save" me through talking with me and love, but you finally found the right way to do it... by using insults. Let go of my pride?? You just called me a wussy and you think I'm full of pride? People like you are the reason I don't believe in Christianity. Bravo!!

ZION1010 09-15-2003 06:19 PM

Nobodys Got All The Anwsers....And B...You Have Been Talked TO Through Love...And When But Ive Seen Your Posts Since Ive Been Around You Seek Mans Wisdome...And Knowlege...You....My Lord Said Iam The Truth the Way In The Light...No Man Can Reach The Father Except Through Me....You Also Debate Alot...To Find Out Who Knows More About What.....So If Choose To Read Many Books And Debate With The Bible So Be It....But Dont Go Blameing Strifeing Child Of God For Your Own Short ....Comings...And For Some One That Dose Not Belive In christiantiy...Your Always Debating Here Arent Ya........My Prayers Our With You,,,,Know God know Life .......

MrSeeker 09-15-2003 09:26 PM

No,its not people like me, its you,you cant blame the reason you believe or dont believe somthing on other people,its all you. Like i said, you cant give it all away and thats your fault,not mine. so stop blaming me for your blindness.
God bless you

MrSeeker 09-15-2003 09:29 PM

I understand how you feel,but you cant be looking at people for what you believe,people are full of flaws, no one has the all the answers,if we did,we wouldnt need God.

ZION1010 09-15-2003 10:38 PM

Man Will Always Judge Your Every Move A wating Like Prey....To Rob kill And Destroy...But Know This If The Lord Thy God Is For You...Let no...Man Be ....Against You...the Lord Thy God has Set The godly Aside For Himself,,,He Hides And Protects Theme...And Will Not Let Theme Be Harmed By The Darkend Eye Of The World.......Peace Be With You My Brother..........

bgivens33 09-16-2003 01:38 AM


Originally posted by MrSeeker
No,its not people like me, its you,you cant blame the reason you believe or dont believe somthing on other people,its all you. Like i said, you cant give it all away and thats your fault,not mine. so stop blaming me for your blindness. &nbsp;
God bless you

I feel like I'm talking to a younger version of myself. When I was about 17, I felt the same way. I was enlightened to the truth. I had all the answers... and I felt confident calling people blind. You will change, you will put your pride aside and learn the real truth. You might find the truth to be Christianity is the right way and that's great. Go for it. But you WILL realize that you are full of pride and you will be humbled. Calling people blind does not help your cause. You put yourself on a pedestal only to be taken down. You are just as blind. You feel so confident that you are right... confident enough to belittle other people by calling them names. You will be humbled by maturity. I hope it will be easier on you than it was on me. I was once like you. You will change.

MrSeeker 09-16-2003 02:00 AM

No,i wont. I am not on any pedestal. I can see you are searching for somthing to believe in,please dont reject somthing because of me or any other human,i am just that,a human,i am helpless and hopeless without God. I have realized that, I dont know all the answers,i wish i did,i wish i knew why there is pain and suffering going on in the world,but i dont and i cant change that. I just have faith that God will take care of all that...

MrSeeker 09-16-2003 02:01 AM

I will be praying for you in whatever you are searching for,
God bless

bgivens33 09-16-2003 02:25 AM

Calling people blind and wussy's is putting yourself higher than them. "You are blind and I am not". That is a derogatory statement. You are making yourself superior to them. I'm not looking for an apology so please don't give one. Just please realize the next 5 years of your life are going to be the most emotionally challenging you've ever experienced. You will NOT come out the same person. You might have the same beliefs, but you won't be the same person. To think other wise is foolish. Do you not think God wants you to grow? You are 17 years old(I'm not all to much older). This is the pride I'm talking about... these are two things you have said.

"we(Christians) know we are going Home soon."

"receive him and if you dont,well then Hell is waiting for ya."

You don't know anything. You don't know where you are going after you die and you don't know where I'm going after I die. The only way to get into heaven according to Christianity is through God's grace. You aren't guranteed anything. You can say a little prayer and prayer everyday and lead a good life but that doesn't mean anything. For someone who claims to not have any answers, you certainly do have some strong opinions on things.

If I could just ask one thing of you, keep an open mind. Learn as much about Christianity and other religions as possible. I'm going to guess the reason you became a Christian is because of your parents or some other type of close person in your life. That's how the majority of people choose their religion initially. If by some other way, than great. Don't ever close your mind off to other possibilities, you will cheat yourself out of learning. You will always grow more out of adversity than out of peaceful times. Take care...

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