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Dark_Knight 04-17-2009 03:35 PM

Thoughts on Brian's Return
Thought I'd start a different discussion mainly on Brian's return to Creed, for me this is one of the main reasons I'm excited to see Creed live again because I never got the chance to see the original line-up in concert.
Also I'm curious of what Brian will bring to the Weathered tunes as well...seeing as he wasn't around at that time & that's if they do anything off that record but if they do I'm sure we're in for a special treat in Bass world.

Any thoughts?

eusebioCBR 04-17-2009 03:45 PM

Re: Thoughts on Brian's Return
Good point, I wonder how Brian feels about the reunion? He has been very vocal about how he dislikes Stapp.

Dark_Knight 04-17-2009 03:55 PM

Re: Thoughts on Brian's Return
There was some issues between him & Mark/Flip for years after he left Creed until they worked them out when they asked Brian to join I'm sure him & Stapp have talked during this reunion period and hopefully made somewhat of a truce.

AlterTremonti 04-22-2009 11:42 PM

Re: Thoughts on Brian's Return
I have to say I'm interested to say how the guys will interact on stage... particularly Brian and Stapp... will be interesting to see...

username 04-22-2009 11:53 PM

Re: Thoughts on Brian's Return

Originally Posted by Dark_Knight
There was some issues between him & Mark/Flip for years after he left Creed until they worked them out when they asked Brian to join I'm sure him & Stapp have talked during this reunion period and hopefully made somewhat of a truce.

Well, according to that Stapp interview with PBF, Mark was the reason why Brian left Creed, not Stapp, so Brian shouldn't have any issue with Stapp at all, right? LOL Way to lie right into the face of the camera there, Stappers!

I think Brian's best work was with Creed. His bass licks on the AB tunes have been mostly rather lame, save for the occasional riff here and there - usually one per song.

That said, he's done a bit better when he plays live, eg Find The Real on Leno is much better than FTR on the ODR CD.
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Dark_Knight 04-22-2009 11:56 PM

Re: Thoughts on Brian's Return
According to Brian there was major bad blood between him & Stapp before he left. He did an interview awhile back talking about the split...I wish I had it, it was from a BM fansite. If I find it I'll do my best to post it...

eusebioCBR 04-23-2009 01:18 AM

Re: Thoughts on Brian's Return
I remember reading an interview with Alter Bridge where the bad blood between Brian and Stapp was discussed. The interviewer asked Brian if he and Stapp ever actually exchanged blows. Brian responded "ya and I kicked his ass" at that point Mark interjected and said "no you didn't". Anyway in that interview Brian made his feelings clear.

Finaldecision 04-23-2009 10:03 AM

Re: Thoughts on Brian's Return

Originally Posted by username
Well, according to that Stapp interview with PBF, Mark was the reason why Brian left Creed, not Stapp, so Brian shouldn't have any issue with Stapp at all, right? LOL Way to lie right into the face of the camera there, Stappers!

I think Brian's best work was with Creed. His bass licks on the AB tunes have been mostly rather lame, save for the occasional riff here and there - usually one per song.

That said, he's done a bit better when he plays live, eg Find The Real on Leno is much better than FTR on the ODR CD.

On Blackbird he did some really nice work. For example in the song Blackbird his basswork is great.

TrulyAmazing 04-23-2009 11:38 AM

Re: Thoughts on Brian's Return

Originally Posted by username
Well, according to that Stapp interview with PBF, Mark was the reason why Brian left Creed, not Stapp, so Brian shouldn't have any issue with Stapp at all, right? LOL Way to lie right into the face of the camera there, Stappers!

I think Brian's best work was with Creed. His bass licks on the AB tunes have been mostly rather lame, save for the occasional riff here and there - usually one per song.

That said, he's done a bit better when he plays live, eg Find The Real on Leno is much better than FTR on the ODR CD.

first of all welcome username :laugh: in my opion i really dont think who said what and where and why is relevent these guys made just a wonderfull music together and in my research thats all the fans care about everybody just got have to lay aside the personal conflicts and get along like sugar and spice and everything nice the only way is one will his licks AB tunes now i would,nt say lame now but those licks where at their peak with orginal fourmula i dont think nobody will be disaponting as well as creed and AB fans

username 04-24-2009 04:39 PM

Re: Thoughts on Brian's Return

Originally Posted by Finaldecision
On Blackbird he did some really nice work. For example in the song Blackbird his basswork is great.

Actually, Blackbird is a prime example of what I was talking about. One good lick just before the line "Ascend may you find no resistance." Other than that, the song is very bland, bass-wise.
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Dogstar 04-27-2009 10:24 PM

Re: Thoughts on Brian's Return
I only saw Creed with Brett Hestla on bass, so this will be interesting. I hope they all just get along and really have a good time.

Alrock 04-28-2009 03:42 PM

Re: Thoughts on Brian's Return
well the reunion is just alter bridge with a new singer in case you didn't know, and the band part of alter bridge works really well so i'm sure it'll be fine with stapp at the helm!

geletmote 05-01-2009 07:10 AM

Re: Thoughts on Brian's Return
this reunion is going to be so good, all 4 original members this is so cool, yeh ur right wonder how brian will go on weatherd songs, definently will be hearing OLB

CollectiveSoul 05-05-2009 02:53 PM

Re: Thoughts on Brian's Return
I'm hoping the water is under the bridge, but I won't hold my breath.

Only 34 shows, right?

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