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JulieCitySlicker 07-24-2005 09:09 PM

Happy Birthday Siana
Siana, Wherever you are,I hope you have a wonderful birthday! We miss you tons around here :( I hope your doing well :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Dogstar 07-24-2005 09:15 PM

Happy, happy birthday, Siana. Hope all is well with you. We miss you.


hotforscott 07-26-2005 09:24 PM

Happy Birthday Girl. I just popped in, but saw this, and thought, "that's someone who hasn't posted in about as much time as me." LOL!

JulieCitySlicker 07-26-2005 09:31 PM

Carrie! Hey girl :D
How are you :hugs: :bumpup:

hotforscott 07-26-2005 09:36 PM

I am doing okay. How are you? I am not working right now, because I am on a medical leave of absence. I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Fybrocystic Breast Syndrome, and it's really taken a toll on my body. I am learning to deal with it better, I have gotten several books, but it's a weird disease that has a variety of symptoms, and they are actually symptoms I have had for years, and never knew what caused them. I guess I have my good days, and my bad days, and luckily I am not living on my own anymore, because then I would be totally screwed. Craig is an angel, and does so much for me and the kids.

Didn't mean to depress you, that's just the newest news with me.

Send me an email:

[email protected]


JulieCitySlicker 07-26-2005 09:44 PM

Oh wow Carrie :( I'm sorry to hear about your illness *Hugs* Is it something that they can cure? I'm glad that you found someone that helping you through this :)

I've been alright,nothing all that exciting going on,except for having 100 degree weather for the past week :eek: Its gonna cool down tonight tho. Then just work,and thats pretty much my life,lol.
Its great to see you here again!

HigherGirl 07-27-2005 01:53 AM

Hope you have a great BDay Siana!!! :) :balloons:

hotforscott 07-27-2005 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by JulieCitySlicker
Oh wow Carrie :( I'm sorry to hear about your illness *Hugs* Is it something that they can cure? I'm glad that you found someone that helping you through this :)

I've been alright,nothing all that exciting going on,except for having 100 degree weather for the past week :eek: Its gonna cool down tonight tho. Then just work,and thats pretty much my life,lol.
Its great to see you here again!

It's actually chronic, there is no cure, but there are a lot of ways to deal with it, that make it more tolerable, so that is what I am doing. They have known about it since 1987, but it wasn't taken seriously, or clarified as a "real" disease until recently, because it is hard for people to accept, that one syndrome could cause SO MANY problems, people were made out to be "hypocondriacs", my neighbor actually struggled for 3 years before she was diagnosed, and then it took her another 3 to maintain a normal life, and figure out what her limitations were, but lucky for me, she had about 7 books and hightlighted things, and kept notes of how she kept certain symptoms at bay, and which meds did her more harm then good, and she has probably saved me about 2 years of wondering what the hell was going on. I may not go back to work though, if I do, it will not be such a stressful, physically draining job, just something from 8-2 when my kids are in school for extra money. I think that will eleviate a lot of the crappy moods I have been in, LOL!

Good to talk to you, Julie.

Sorry to taint your birthday thread, Siana!


JulieCitySlicker 07-28-2005 12:44 PM

I'm glad that your research and findings with your neighbor helped save you some worry about this! It sucks when you know something is wrong with you and no one can point it out. I hope that someday,doctors will become more aware of this so it can be diagnosed faster and that a cure can be found for it :hugs:

It has been nice seeing you here again and I hope you can stop by more often :)

hotforscott 07-31-2005 07:39 PM

Thanks for your concern Julie. I will try to frequent the board more often. I have been thinking about you guys a lot.


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